Monday, June 13, 2011

Sports Cars, Dreams Cars ... You Pick!

So this suggestion has been on the WallWisher for a while. What is your dream car? Or maybe, what sports car is the best out there? There are links below if you'd like to browse some of the top cars in the United States. Check out the links and report back on the Blogger.

(Post suggested by Xavier 317)

Friday, June 10, 2011

Sonic vs. Mario ...

So here it is ... Sonic vs. Mario. What's your take on the video games? Which one is better? I don't know what else to ask because Ms. D is not too familiar with this topic. Add to the conversation by sharing your knowledge and have fun.

(Post suggested by Xavian 319)

Children's Day ...

So Ms. D missed some parts of Children's Day because she was running a game in the gym. Share your memories from Children's Day and let Ms. D know what she missed.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Reality T.V. Shows Craze

Reality T.V. shows like Biggest Loser, Dancing with the Stars, American Idol, the Voice, are the things to watch these days. Have you watched any of these? Do you like watching them? And are there any others I did not mention that you'd like to include?

Why do Americans love their reality T.V. shows?

(Post suggested by Gissele 317 & Jacky 319)

Favorite School Memory

What is your favorite 2010-2011 school memory? For me, it might have to be when I found out a student said that it would be best if teachers were robots, so that you could turn them on and off. Really?! I'm thinking that would be nice if it were for students ... oh whoops! Did I say that out loud?

What's YOUR favorite school memory this year?

Summer Plans Anybody?

School is wrapping up, and summer vacation will be on. What are your plans for the summer, whether fun or even goals for keeping up with your education? Believe it or not, I will be doing a lot of classes and workshops to prepare the computer lab for next year. So I have some school to do, but I will have my fun :0) What about YOU?

(Post suggested by Edwin 308)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Which One Is YOUR Favorite?

So when it comes to video games, which gaming system is the best? We have the Nintendo Wii, PlayStation, or the XBox 360? Am I missing a system? If I did, introduce it into the conversation.

(Post suggested by Edwin 318)