Sunday, January 31, 2010

Brownie Points Anyone?

It's February, and it's that time of year when couples celebrate the love they have for each other. Obviously, we're too young for that (or at least I hope we are), so I am suggesting we celebrate brownie points.

Brownie points are something people earn by doing good things towards each other. So for the month of February, Ms. D will be watching and listening for students who do kind and good things to one another, or maybe even a teacher. I'm not talking about kissing up to anyone either. These kind actions must be sincere and genuine ... from the heart.

If you'd like to nominate someone because something they did earns them a brownie point, leave a comment with specific details.

Did I mention that 12 people will be awarded a gourmet brownie; in other words very fancy & expensive chocolate brownies? Stay tuned ...