Saturday, February 26, 2011

Should We?

Should we really talk about video games? I know you play them all the time, so here's your chance to share some of your favorite games and have a silent conversation.
(Post suggested by Michael & Jair)

Super Hero It Is ...

So word has it that many of YOU want to talk about superheroes. Here it is. Talk to us about your favorite superhero and what makes them so 'super.'
(Post suggested by Xavian)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Spring is Almost Here!

I like spring because it means new beginnings. New grass comes out, new leaves emerge, new flowers blossom ... it smells fresh already. What's more spring break is soon coming. What will you do during your break? What will you do during the spring? Any thoughts on how you feel about spring?
(Post suggested by Abril)

Tiger Mom ...

Parenting ... it's one of the toughest jobs in the world. We don't know what it's like until we one day become one. Have you ever heard of a tiger mom? Check out this video link and decide what kind of parent you will be.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Snow Day Fun!

Chicago's 2011 blizzard came and went. We got 2 days off from school. The last time that happened was back in 1999. I know I enjoyed my 2 days off. What did you do? And how do you feel about making up those snow days by coming into school when you should have a day off? Any thoughts or ideas?