Sunday, January 31, 2010

Brownie Points Anyone?

It's February, and it's that time of year when couples celebrate the love they have for each other. Obviously, we're too young for that (or at least I hope we are), so I am suggesting we celebrate brownie points.

Brownie points are something people earn by doing good things towards each other. So for the month of February, Ms. D will be watching and listening for students who do kind and good things to one another, or maybe even a teacher. I'm not talking about kissing up to anyone either. These kind actions must be sincere and genuine ... from the heart.

If you'd like to nominate someone because something they did earns them a brownie point, leave a comment with specific details.

Did I mention that 12 people will be awarded a gourmet brownie; in other words very fancy & expensive chocolate brownies? Stay tuned ...


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Keilyn 317 said...

I vote for Karla Alvarez because she always shares with me.

Rossy317 said...

I would like to give a brownie point to Karla Alvarez she is very generous and a good friend.

patrycja 317 said...

i would give a brownie piont to Jessica Maldinado decause she is very nice to everybody(317)

jada317 said...

I give a brownie point to my best teacher in the world mrs.Frachi you are the best teacher in the world to me even if I am mad because u made me mad just know u still are the gratest teacher to mea

patrycja 317 said...

mercedes from 317 should get 1 cuz shes nice to every one.

Yvette 314 said...

Man, only girls are getting brownie points. Were are all the guys? Well, I wanna give some brownie points to all my friends & buddies: Jennifer (316), Alexis A. (314), De'Ana (314), & Ricardo (320). Well these are just a few of the people, so many want those brownies. All of these are awsome people right here!(:

Alethia316 said...

I would like 2 give a another brownie point 2 ma buddie (SAMUEL OLIVO)in room(201).Hes a gud guy.Hes funni,interesting,smart,and always there 4 me!1HES GREAT!!:]

Alethia316 said...

I would like to give (ANTONIO RODRIGUEZ)a brownie point b-cuz hes ma bezt frend!!Hes in room(322).We talk alot.were like brother and sister.:]

Nathaniel317 said...

I vote for Mercedes rm317 because she helps me in school.

mercedes317 said...

I vote nathaniel 317 cuz hes so nice and hes so funny

Rossy317 said...

I would like to give a brownie point to Jaky317 because she is my friend also because she is a good friend.

mercedes317 said...

Alex 317 should get a brownie cuz he helps everyone out

Victor317 said...

I give 15 brownie points to Jose Velasco bcuz he is funny and he makes me understand homework better than my teacher.

alex317 said...

i'm voting for jacky because she helped me

mercedes317 said...

I vote daniel too cuz hes always helping me out and he tells funny jokes

jacky317 said...

im going to vote for alex because he help me

Manuel 314 said...

I would want to give a brownie point to my best cousin judith Beltran in room322 she is the best she always helps me in homework she deserves it

judith 322 said...

I would want to also give a brownie point to my cousin manuel garcia 314 for being cool and nice also kimberly alvarez in room 322 she is awsomeeeeeee

manuel 314 said...

i want to give a brownie point to oscar

manuel 314 said...

i want to give a brownie point to omar from 313

Anita 320 said...

Well Ms.D i have a few people who I think deseve a brownie point. Sandra, Ana, Blanca, Kimberly(all 320) for trying so hard to do better in school karen(320) for helping me when i need it and leslie(313) for being a caring person all the time. Soplz Ms.d may their life be filed with brownie points and one of the from me. Hurray for brownies!?!?!! :)

karina 305 said...

I would like to thank Jellyxa Rogel in room 305 because she helps me understand stuff in class, or in some other place.

Loren room309 said...

Hi Mrs.D it's me Loren from room309 i would like nomite Evilina and Emily b/if my friend and i get into a fight they are there for me so thanks for being my friend Evilina and Emily!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sanet316 said...

MS.d please tell the winners on the techie zone tell us all so we could see them on the computer becasue of isat!

Michael319 said...

MMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Brownies

Kelly319 said...

i think it is really nice for you to do that

jocelyn319 said...

awww now i want a brownie

astrid319 said...

i love chocolate i oove chocolate candy,chocolate cake and chocolate brownies mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

jazmin301 said...

i love brownies they are the most awesome they are my favorite

Emmely301 said...

i luv brownies because it has chocolate mmmmm my favorite:)

roberto201 said...

i like chocolate to ms d

Shane 318 said...

Ms.D I think that chocolate cake is good only if not all is only chocolate.

crystal309 said...

I love brownies because they are choclate and I love chocolate

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