Friday, February 11, 2011

Snow Day Fun!

Chicago's 2011 blizzard came and went. We got 2 days off from school. The last time that happened was back in 1999. I know I enjoyed my 2 days off. What did you do? And how do you feel about making up those snow days by coming into school when you should have a day off? Any thoughts or ideas?


jennifer 313 said...

I loved the snow day because there wasnt any school and my parents did not go to was like a weekend (exept for the snow shoveling) I think its not that bad making up the days we missed

bryan tomes 313 said...

i loved the snow day because i could sleep and relax

casihmeir 319 said...

I loved the snow day because i get to play in the snow but it was freezing at the same time but dont really care mad a tunnle and an small igloo

michael319 said...

I loved the snow day

daisy319 said...

why would someone like school.I dont

astrid419 said...

i loved the snow day i played with my cousin.

Allyza 319 said...

I loved the snow day because I could play outside in the snow, but I couldn't stay outside for long because I had asthma.

Michael303 said...

Ms.d wat did you do in the snowday? well i went to sled with my friends.

Michael303 said...

I liked the snow day but it was to tiaring because i had to shovel my whole garage for the car could get in.

Richard319 said...

i loved the snow day beacause we work all day long in school so we deserved a break! i want another blizzard

jasmin319 said...

I loved the snow day

daisy319 said...

I love snow day because i dont go to school.

jocelyn319 said...

the snow day was awsome becuse i was jumping off my porch in to the snow!

Carolina319 said...

I diden't much like the snow day. Only because of all the snow. And because it was cold. But the only thing I enjoyed was that I got to spend time with my family. ;)

Gilbert319 said...

i loved the blizzard but Ms.D did you enjoy the blizzard?

Richard319 said...

the snow day was awesome i jumped off the roof into the snow face first but didnt get hurt beacause of the soft snoww!

daisy319 said...

I dont think I like snow its cold.

jonathan319 said...

I haaaate snow days because it has to do with shoveling :C

Leslie319 said...

I really enjoyed the snow day my parents did'nt go to work! I got to go sleding with my cousins, and we had a snowball fight! Aww how I love this kind of winter's (when there's no school).

juan said...

i love the blizzard because it is so hard to clean the snow.

Lizbeth308 said...

I love the snow days because their wasn't no school and my mom and my dad did't work.

ismael308 said...

i love snow because you throw snow balls to your friend.

xavier said...

that day was vary crazzy and i whent out out to play and i was full of snow

pedro 308 said...

I like the snow day because I didt went to school and play video game
that was the best day ever.

ruben308 said...

the two snow day's where cool but we had a two day of and that is not good because we did not learn

adrianna 308 said...

The day of the snow day was fun because i clean the snow. Then i clime the mountain of snow i play with my cosins snow fight.

Maribel308 said...

I love the two snow days because I went to play with the snow but it was so freezing

raul308 said...

Wow you call that 2 days of fun snow. tahat was torture because all of us had to clean the snow!

Stephanie 308 said...

I love haveing two days of no school because I get to spend time with my mom amn she isn`t going to wrok ether.

maria308 said...

i was so happy that there was no school. also i played on the snow it was a little bit of cold but it was fun!

ismael308 said...

i love the blizzard there was a lot of slow i was amazed.

vincent 308 said...

i loved the snow i could make snowman it fell 20in of snow

Edwin 318 said...

The snow storm of 2011 was fun

justin318 said...

I love snow and some times hate but i thing all monuts are great!!!!!

Shane 318 said...

I love the snow day because me and my older sister stared shoveling people's front yard. Over all we made $75.

steven318 said...

When we had a bizzard that was the best day ever

isabel318 said...

I was sick and i was so cold:-(

Koraliz 318 said...

I love the snow becasue i am play with my brothers and sister and also love snow becasue my birthday on in the winter..

justin318 said...

I love snow and some times hate but i thing all months are great!!!!!!!

lisette318 said...

I also enjoy spring!It can let you do lots of fun things,like playing football or go to the park:)

brandon318 said...

wow! 2 days of school i am so happy me and justin were playing a snow ball fight and i went with my dad to work~!

david301 said...

you know in those 2 days off of school i played video games all day

felipe 301 said...

y like the snow becose you dont gow to school. and you culd go autside and play snowbal figt.

jenny301 said...

i dont like snow decause sometimes i got to put my dog inside and sometimes he gots to sleep with me

david301 said...

if we ever have another blizzard i will play more video games

david301 said...

maybe i will play cool games like fighting games but with no blood

zet 201 said...

i had to stay inside my house all day it was boring it will be better if i went to school

jasem 201 said...

i loved the snow because i got to lay down on the snow and i was comfortable

Liliana 201 said...

I love snow because you get to have a snow ball fight and it is a lot of fun.

xavier 201 said...

I went outside for the snow day Icouldnt walk. but i loved it then i went inside to play my xbox.

jordan308 said...

i wish the snow storm could happen again in 2011 or 2012

Lizbeth308 said...

I love the two days off beacause my mom and dad did not work and I had time to play with by sister but at the same time I don't love it beacause it was soo cold.

edwin308 said...

ismael i agree with you about the blizard i like to because we were walking like astronuts in the snow and my brother and i went into are back yard and play with hole snow unyil it was time to go to sleep but i was not tyer i wish that could happend again and stay up until the next day and theres no school until spring or maybe until summer.

melissa 308 said...

I like snow days because I like hot chocolate.

edwin 308 said...

melisa i agree with you about the snow days because i like hot chocolate to.

Gilbert319 said...

I had a snowball war on those 2 days

jaquelyn306 said...

i loved the snow because the school was closed i had to help my mom shovel up about 5 inches of snow!!! i cought a cold and i felt better when i went back to school

kiara309 said...

i actually got sick