Saturday, February 26, 2011

Should We?

Should we really talk about video games? I know you play them all the time, so here's your chance to share some of your favorite games and have a silent conversation.
(Post suggested by Michael & Jair)


jasem 201 said...

i think black opps is the best game ever

Raymond 201 said...

I like Halo Reach It's so much fun.

ricardo201 said...

My favortie game is black ops. I favortie part is zombies

Jose 201 said...

I think black ops is so fun because it has zombies and there kind of scary and intense

anthony201 said...

my favorite game is basketeball

ricardo201 said...

Smackdown vs raw is very cool becuase it has good matches

zet 201 said...

my favorite game is halo becuse u get cool weapons and it has aliens in them

Mario 201 said...

I like to play call of duty black ops and assassins creed brother hood

Eddy said...

You know that my favorite game is Call the Duty warfule 2 and Trillville

ricardo201 said...

my favorite part is level 5 dogs on fire

anthony201 said...

jasem201 is it your favorite game

ricardo201 said...

play black ops zombies on xbox 360 or ps3 it has good graphics

ruben308 said...

you should play thi marvel vs campo3

Raul308 said...

I LOVE the new game call 'Marvel VS Capcom'' because theres guns and figts in there

juan 308 said...

Ricardo 201 the zombies part is really cool how would it be.

edwin308 said...

i tink that black ops, call of duty and the chicago bulls are asowmom because the play asowmom.

moises 308 said...

I love black opps because some time it looks so real.

idiana 308 said...

My favorite game is Mario party 8 for the wii and fling smash too and even wii sports

jordan308 said...

my favorite game is only street fighter4 and split second

adrianna 308 said...

My faverite game is pacman,racing car.

Raul 308 said...

Ricardo 201 i do agreed abuot Smackdon vs RAW 2011

Stephanie308 said...

The games that I like is call of duty black ops but the zombies was hard.

edwin308 said...

raul i agree with you and ricardo from room 201 about smackdown vs raw.

Xavian 319 said...

Hey, I think all you guys are forgetting the classics. Like the original Sonic the Hedgehog (1991), but my favorite video game of all the Sonic collection, and possibly one of my favorite video games of all time is Sonic 3 & Knuckles. That is not to say I don't like Black Ops or Halo Reach, I love those games, but they are not part of my favorite video games of all time.

Carolina319 said...

Pacman WorldRally. Its so AWSOME!!


kendell302 said...

i love black ops but hate the evil docter

Mikaela302 said...

I think that pokemon games are the best because it's adventure games

martin302 said...

i think that super mario bross and black ops are the best games ever

kendell302 said...

he will actually grab it from your hands

alexis302 said...

i♥ madern warefare2

Karina302 said...

i think black ops is the BEST GAME EVER!Its really cool because they are so many zombies chasing after you.Although I don't like killing the zombie dogs beacuse I like dogs but i rather kill them first than they kill me. :)

carlos 302 said...

i think pokemon white is a good game you can do wi-fi and connect to the internet

Noelani302 said...

i tottaly love the mario and kirby games. not only because they are fun,but they are not a fast game.

martin302 said...

the best vedio game i ever played is super mario bros

Darius302 said...

Ok before I have to say what I have to say, everybody here don't call me a hater. This is what I think! Call of Duty Black Ops is the worst game ever! I mean come on, what kind of army game has zombies! Thats not real. I mean I know its a game, but seriously zombies! Now if you want a real creative game, go to gamestop and get the game socom US navy seals confrontation! It is way better than Black Ops! So if you want real army stuff get Socom!

Elias 302 said...

my favorit game is assasins creed brooderhood that game is based on a real story of antiont rome italy its about a guy named Exio that tris to save he dad with awesome wepons and game of the year.

Michael319 said...

I think black ops is the best game ever and darius sccom is not that good and plus the zombie part is just for you wont get boored of online or the game.

Darius302 said...

I agree Xavian, these other kids are forgetting the classics! There also forgetting street fighter, and ms. pacman. I like the classics better than all the games we have now!

mirella 318 said...

i love playing video games but i dont play black pos i play on my dsi but i still awe some i wat to trade my dsi and maybe ill get the black ops game ...!!!

meric319 said...

My favriet video game is red dead redention

Stephanie 318 said...

I think Mario Sports Mix is cool.

emanuel 318 said...

i like the games that we have today because they have much better graphic than like the old ones

Shane 318 said...

Xavian I think that games that r classic kind of aren't always as good as new games such as call of duty black ops and call of duty modern warfare 2.

Koraliz 318 said...

I love to play the game little big plant 2 becasue you can make your own persone and it is also cool tp play...

edwin 318 said...

mario sport mix is rellay fun

Michelle 318 said...

Well my favotite game to play is Dance it 2. I always play with my family and friends and somethimes comepete with them.ITS ALOT OF FUN

javier318 said...

I like the conbat traning in black opps

Isabel318 said...

My favorite game is Mario Kart

dennis318 said...

My favortie game is little big planet becaues it is fun and cool

Xavian 319 said...

@Shane 318,
I think you are forgetting my point, the NOW games are almost all about killing, killing, and some more killing, I'm not saying that they aren't fun, but still, what about peaceful games, Little Big Planet was just what I was looking for, an enjoyable plat-former with gadgets and customizable characters, it's a bright game, filled with challenging parts. And, you got to admit, I kinda get bored killing sooo much people in online multi-player, sure, black ops does has zombies (which, in my opinion, are the most adorable things ever, well, not ever, but still) it spices the game up a bit. By the way, when I said that i kill sooo many people, i meant that im a very skilled player.

P.S. I'm a nerd, a real nerd.
P.P.S. I'm also a gamer.
P.P.P.S. Cake is a lie! (Portal- GLaDOS :D)

Carolina319 said...

OH!!! My favorit game is also ANGRY BIRDS!! And PLANTS VS VOMBIES!! Their awesome!

richard319 said...

has anyone beat zombies on black ops beacause i did i also beat the whole game

jasmine 319 said...

my favrite video game is an old one called jack and dexter .

Noelani 302 said...

i am a girl and i love video games. I like all halo games, and all call of duty games! I am not a tomboy i know what you are thinking. Some of us are forgetting the classics like the old,old Mario games and sonic. I think the games now are fun but, the classics are better.

jonathan319 said...

i have plenty of favorite games so i am gonna blog about 1. Dead Space 2. that gme is very disturbing. so if u r gonna get the game be prepared for some gruesome stuff!

jonathan319 said...

Xavian its me jonathan, i got a question for you... what is the game PORTAL 2 about and how do i play it?

Miguel319 said...

Zombies in balck ops are sometimes cool but i get sometimmes bored everytime im playing multiplayer someone invites me. I just wnt to play multiplayer because if i keep playing zombies all the time im going to get bored!!!!!!! by the way i still dont think HALO REACH is fun.

adam319 said...

i think sonic games are the best things to happen ever

Xavian 319 said...

Well, it is not completely out yet, but I'm going to save enough money once it hits the shelves!
Portal 1 was enough to get me fully hooked up the moment I played it, Half-Life 2 definately got my heart too, but Portal, Team Fortress 2, Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2, those games made me LOVE VALVe, the company.
Portal has a robot named GLaDOS and a charector named subject (put name here).
Portal 2 has multi-player with 2 robots that develope a STRONG relationship, GLaDOS keeps on torturing them, because she's evil like that.

Miguel319 said...

On what side you guys are halo side or black ops side?

Allyza 319 said...

I agree with you Carolina.Plants Vs. Zombies is awsome.I don't really like Angry Bird but it's ok for me, I mean in my oppinion.:D:D I know in your oppinion Angry Bird and Plants Vs. Zombies is awsome.:)

Carolina319 said...

@Xavian ,

You right about all the blood and killing games. Because theirs this game called SPORE (Its so awesome) and its about you creating a creature and you have to hunt for food and kill other creatuers! And thier is blood, but only animated blood. I love that game but I haves cartoon vilence

Carolina319 said...


Halo. Only because I play that with my cousin and because I NEVER played black ops :)

Karina302 said...

Darius, why do you hate black ops???Black ops is the best game ever!

Xavian 319 said...

This comment has past 64! It's time for one of my occasional Nintendo 64 references! Who here has heard of The legends of Zelda:The Ocarina of Time! That game is just sooo awesome!

raquel308 said...

my favorite game is the DSI because you can take pictures with your friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

noelani302 said...

@michelle i tottaly agree with you my other favorite game is just dance 2 because i have wii partys i always invite all my friends and we set out chips and dip. then we pick out some multi-player games and we play its really fun! but like i was saying Just Dance2 is a really fun game, there is a lot of songs i know, and its great exersice.
Ps: i also love black OPS and halo
pss: i love classics 2

Jorge 305 said...

My favorite game is Little big planet 1,2

jair319 said...

there also making a new modern warfare3 it comes out november.....2012 so long

Dennis318 said...

ithnik little big planet 2 and one is the best game ever becaues is has cool levels and it has cool sackboys and bettter clothen and it has 4players and it is fun to play all to play the game and better then black opps.

Antonio room304 said...

My favorite game is marvel vs capcom because it reminds me of the old ones. it also looks real.

Hector 304 said...

My fav game is soldrer fortune payback i play it all the time I always kill people and take thier guns

Fatima304 said...

my favorite games are call of duty, and god of war they r bothe fun and hard games

Mathew 206 said...

My favorite game is smack down 10

citlaly305 said...

My favorite video game is kinnectamals.

ruben 308 said...

some games are hard and other games are easy

Ana311 said...

I agree with karina. I like killing zombies but tha zombie dogs are scary. Black Ops is the BEST GAME EVER!!!!!!!!!!! I love killing zombies!!!!!!!!

jesus 311 am i right said...

will i know you like pack man but every one has there owen steal xavian but im in old clasc to

jonathan311 said...

i also agree with xavian but one of my favorite games for ds would be the pokemon series. anyone agree?

laurentiu311 said...

My favorite game is call of duty world at war because it takes place in world war 2, and you can play online. My favorite gun is type 99 cause you can shoot people real fast and they don't get the chance to shoot you.

kevin 311 said...

@everyone talking about black ops

why just spend time playing blackops that kinda get stuck in your mind u even forget what happoned in that day i evan play it to but not too much i really play classic games

Ricardo323 said...

I know I'm kinda late with the posting but I think that The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of time game was the best Majora's Mask was also really good too.

sergio 311 said...

ya right kevin u play it all day

alondra 311 said...

@everyone,you know my dad is 29 years old and he still plays playstation3 black opps with me and im a girl.but the point is,our parents want to pass the old time games around and show us what real games are but, we dont appreciate and we prefer the new tech.

guillermo319 said...

jasmien319 have you plalyed jack and daxter the lost frontier

Hector 309 said...

I now that games are sometimes hard it takes time to go through it games are sometimes easy too.

jeremy303 said...

i are very hard like black ops,zombies are harde

kevin303 said...

right games are relly hard now

victor 303 said...

Games are cool like black ops my best part is playing combat traning

Alejandro309 said...

Im mostly interested in adventure and fighting games.Heres one I have called spyro yhe Eternal Night.

Alejandro309 said...

The bad guys have weird names in some games.For example these names,Destructius Collosus,Gaul,and Skab.What kind of names are those?

diego305 said...

i like mario games i buy all of them

Gilbert319 said...

you people who dont have black ops need to get it

gisselle317 said...

i like nintendo ds xl and 3d

Gilbert 319 said...

Zombies with Call of the Dead is awesome