Saturday, February 19, 2011

Spring is Almost Here!

I like spring because it means new beginnings. New grass comes out, new leaves emerge, new flowers blossom ... it smells fresh already. What's more spring break is soon coming. What will you do during your break? What will you do during the spring? Any thoughts on how you feel about spring?
(Post suggested by Abril)


miguel319 said...

I just want spring to come but at the same time i dont because isat is coming.

nathaniel319 said...

Im not really sure. i hope it doesn't snow like that one spring break we had.

Carolina319 said...

Yay!! I cant wait for spring! I cant wait for the snow to vanish from sight!! I love spring! Its wearm. Not too cold. And not too hot ;)

jocelyn319 said...

i love spring becuse you can see the flowers bloom and thay look wonderfull

adam319 said...

i love spring because my birthdays in may

jair319 said...

yay no more heavy coats and snow

Jacqueline 319 said...

I like spring because its hot and not cold like winter

jonathan319 said...

Well, i love spring mostly because vacation and of coures, games. I cant wait to get my skateboard but there are some cons about spring, rain!

Leslie319 said...

What I will do over spring break is going to go visit my cuzin and stay over because i love being with her a lot because she is the best cuzin i ever had and we get along like sisters. MS.D what are you going to do over Spring break?

Jasmine319 said...

Spring is has alsome weather . I also like to see the flowers bloom and I get to ride my bike ! Sping is my favorite season .

Leslie319 said...

I agree with Miguel I also want spring to come I could go run, play with my dogs, and go to the park!

Gilbert319 said...

i want spring to come so it wont be that cold anymore

Astrid319 said...

i love spring because is almost summer and it's getting hotter.

Richard319 said...

i cant wait till sprind beacause we will be able to go outside more and get lots of energy!

jonathan319 said...

I cant wait for spring because we can not worry about coldness, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Sergio319 said...

I can't wait for spring to come because I want to ride my new bike and while I'm riding it I can see everything grow green.

michael319 said...

yea no more snow :0

Raul308 said...

Woo hoo spring is coming oh yeah.I love spring that is because plants are growing,trees are growing to and animals are coming back.

moises308 said...

spring is so joyful time everybody goes out side and play's with there pet or family.

melissa308 said...

I like spring becuse I can go outside

idiana 308 said...

i love summer like you do because the sun come out and you could go to the beach and have fun every day otside or you could swim in the sunny and beutiful day.

Melissa 308 said...

I love spring because is not that hot like summer and is not that cold like winter.In spring,flowers and plants come out.

Michelle308 said...

I love spring because i could go outside and play with my friends

edwin 308 said...

I love spring because that way we could go outside and play alot of sports like soccer,basketball,and baseball and we cant have alot of energy and be storng.

moises308 said...

I like sprirg so much I could fight over it every day.

Mark308 said...

I like spring because I cuold play soccer go to plaises I like.I whant spring to come because in winter I never see my causens and in spring I get to see them.

Rosaisela 308 said...

I like spring because i can play with my sister and my brathers. I like spring because my cosent comes to my house. I like to play wen isb spring.

Jasimine318 said...

Love spring because when it rains the next moring wheni wake up i love to smell the fresh rain in the nice sprig air when every it's rain

Alex 318 said...

Hey Ms.d spring is a wonderful time for kids. the reason I thought that because when spring arrives,kids get to do lot of fun things to do. Such as riding bikes,and football!

stephanie 318 said...

I love spring cause the air is cool and i get to see my cousins in the suburbs!!

Stephanie301 said...

Ilove spring because I could go to the pools with my friends.

syndia 301 said...

I love spring break becuse i could be playing with my friends i hope me and my family have some fun.

javier301 said...

man i want spring break to come so bad but it reminds me that isat is coming

stephanie301 said...

I love spring because it make me laugh when my little cousing gets tans.

Abel301 said...

Yay spring is almost coming then its going to be easy to ride my bike but Im going to mise winter becase all the snow.

Kevin301 said...

I love spring becuse i go to six flags

Allyza 319 said...

I'm happy spring is comming.When spring comes we can go to canada and visit my cousin there and when we go there it will be my cousin's birthday.Yay!It's also going to be our 7th time going there all together.:D

Michelle 318 said...

What im i going to do during summer?Mmmmmm well me ,my cousen,my ant and uncle are goint Florida to Disney world.Well were going to because my cousen b-day is during spring brake soo that is going to be her present.Im so excited.

isabel318 said...

I love the spring because i could finally play out side:-)and feel some cool breez

alexie318 said...

i cant wait in till spring break because i can see my family that are in florda.

Mario 201 said...

I can't wait for spring I don't like the cold

jazmin201 said...

what i'll be doing over spring break is celebrate my birthday =D

ean201 said...

I can`t wait for spring.To play with my dog like leslie319.also for spring brake :D to run with my nephew in fresh air.

sina201 said...

I like spring because I can play outside and I am getting an xbox 360.

julio201 said...

there will be no more snow that makes many people suffer but most people like spring me to we could run around freely exept it usally rains alot.

Cindy 201 said...

I want spring here because we can play a alot outside and in winter you could just do like nothing because it is very cold.

Luis 201 said...

I love spring because i don't like snow that much it makes me suffer with colds and more sickness

Yesica201 said...

I want spring to come becaz its mot going to be cold anymore.

Maribel308 said...

I would like to spring to come because outside will be so sunny

jordan308 said...

tommorow is spring and i cant believe it all these months waitng for spring.

Yesica201 said...

OMG i just want sprinq to come becaz I hate winter

Emily302 said...

i can't wait until spring b/c then we could play in the park and ride our bikes!! -and we wont have to wear our big heavy coats that make us all sweaty when we get home!!!-
thank god we have spring! oh yeah........ in sring, the flowers start blooming!!!!!!! yay!!!!

kiaralis319 said...

i like spring i can not wait to the flower and what carolinea said i like how it going to be like not to hot or cold

Alexandra 318 said...

I love spring so much. just looking at all the flower's blooming and all the good cloths you can were and spending time wondering around the sun.Yes I love spring.

steven 318 said...

Spring is good have because that means that snow is no longer coming for a long time

Razan 311 said...

I want Spring to come because there will be no snow, it won't be cold, and the weather is going to be fine!

Michael318 said...

I say that I would do my chores today I don't know

Michael318 said...

I would not go outside in spring

Noelani302 said...

i love the spring! i also love those days where the air is all clean and you go outside in a jacket and just play. its so fun, when you spring clean and have a garage sale.

Dennis318 said...

I want spring to come so i could paly and have to go to the park and my dog evrey day and paly with frenids.

Cindy305 said...

I wish it could be spring alredy!I also like spring because my birthday is in March 26!

kiaralis 319 said...

i like spring because of the air it like warm and cold and you can stay outside and have fun

alma318 said...

I want sping to come because for we could go to the park and to the pool.

alma318 said...

I love sping because i like to see the flowers grow and i also like to plant the flowers and watch them grow.

maria308 said...

i love spring because you see alot of beautiful flowers.will i also like about spring because at school we get springbreak.