Saturday, February 19, 2011

Tiger Mom ...

Parenting ... it's one of the toughest jobs in the world. We don't know what it's like until we one day become one. Have you ever heard of a tiger mom? Check out this video link and decide what kind of parent you will be.


marcos301 said...


Jasmine319 said...

If I ever become a parent for sure I want to be GOOD parent!

itzel308 said...
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jesus308 said...

The tieger mom is about helping
yuor kids

mirella 318 said...

if i was to be a mom when i grow up i will make sure my daughter/son has exactly what they need because i love kids :)!!

Michelle 318 said...

i would not like a tiger mom just by noing that my mom wount let me play outside ,have sleep overs , and wount let me play any instrumen that it isint a piano.would you like to have a tiger mom ms.d.

abraham201 said...

What about tiger dad ?

Xavian 319 said...

If I'm a father, which I kinda doubt, I will be fair, I will teach them to act polite, (If I can)or just teach them the right way to act, I will protect them from harm, well, I will help him\her\both\all with stuff he\her\both\all has trouble with. Oh, and since I'm a male, if my son ('cause I can't help my daughter with guy troubles, I'll leave that up to her mother) has lady troubles, I will teach him the right way to treat a woman, but I will allow him with games like Black Ops or Half-Life only if he's not obsessed with the things. Of course, I'll show my sons or daughters what I thought was cool back in my days like comics, movies, games, and since I'm more into the old classic games, I'll show them Sonic, and Mario, I'll probably buy an old X-box 360. But I will have to give punishments out, not often, but, enough.

Noelani 302 said...

wow, that is crazy! if i was ever to be a mom i would definetly have my kids be happy. i would not force them to do things that they do not want to do (only if it includes them going to school). i will definetly let them play any instrament they want, as long as they're happy with it i am.

adam319 said...

the tiger mom is the worst mom ever if i become a parent im goona be a nice one not a tiger dad

jonathan319 said...

wow xavian that was a pretty long comment anywho if i was a parent i would teach my kids to be fair and especially have respect. but like xavain i highly doubt that i am gonna be a father.

casihmeir 319 said...

i would be a nice parent with a lot of didipline

jacqueline 302 said...

my mom is sort of like a tiger mom she doesnt let me sleep over my friends house or even my cusins house but i know why it is only because she wories to much but its not THAT bad i mean its bad but i can handle it. also, the TIGER mom is just doing what her parents did to her but i still think thats to far not leating her girls use the bathroom and practice the piano or violing for 7 hours i play the piano and it is hard to play

jessica 304 said...

I think parenting is a lot of work for just one mother but ,parents are her for a reason. no matter what your parents will always love you even if they yell. YIKES. parents were made to love thier children .that why god made them to LOVE ALL CHILDREN!