Thursday, April 7, 2011

Teach Ms. D About Pokemon

When I was growing up, Pokemon was not around. Rainbow Brite, the Smurfs, G.I. Joes ... those were around. Teach Ms. D about Pokemon. I see a lot of students with the cards, but I just don't get it.

Here's your chance not only to talk about Pokemon, but to teach Ms. D. about them. Who knows, ... maybe I'll make up a project around Pokemon someday.

(Post suggested by Jamiel 309)


emely305 said...

i love pokemon and i know that no other pokemon is stronger then dialga level x wich i have alot of!

edwin318 said...

no way emely arceus level x could beat dialga level x

Jacob 303 said...

You know you guys, you need to focuse on the new versions. Pokemon Black and White. Because now, Rashiram and Zekrom can beat anybody!

jorge303 said...

Me too I like pokemon! pokemon are my friends!In my classroom I have pokemon figures!When we get a 24 Mr.Seng let us babysit a pokemon!It's very exiciting babysiting pokemon!

Carolina319 said...

Pokemon is about creatures that can be friends. Is about training your pokemon to level up. In the card game its pretty complecated to explain. But it's very fun!

Xavian 319 said...

Games... Pokemon games. The card game...I don't like the card game...Black and White, I have mixed feelings about those games. Pokemon Saphire, I love that game, even though it's old...forget it, I love old video games. I remember when there were only 150 pokemon, then a little bit more, then a little bit more, then came the spin-offs, more spin-offs, I did'nt like the spin-offs, I don't like the card game, and now there is over 9000...pokemon! What happened, I don't know, but I want the old back.

jordan308 said...

Pokemon is the best tv show ever.Ash is the best.

hector303 said...

I dont like pokemon that much but i like the crds here un

hector303 said...

(Joge)A lot of peole know that in mr sengs class they let u babysit in report cards a lot of people from other classrooms come and play around with his stuff are lucky we got him :D

Mikaela302 said...

I love pokemon and no other pokemon is stronger than the legendary pokemon

kevin305 said...

emely305 evry one can beat dialga leve x

kevin305 said...

ask people emely305

emely305 said...

keiven305 dont worry my cousin is 20 years old and he told me that so :]!

mohammad 305 said...

I love pokemon and i clect it and i have the legend all of their in my cleashin

Hector 304 said...

I like pokemon a lot a i think the best movie is pokemon zoraark master of illusions

Hector 304 said...

Zecrom could get destroyed by rashiram

kevin305 said...

emily why do u think ur cousin knows so much

darian311 said...

there is a new pokemon show it is called pokemon black and white and i also wish pokemon where real

jonathan319 said...

Xavian apparently you dont now about pokemon(no affence). There are only 650 pokemon. Including the new black and white pokemon. The pokemon games are Saphire, Ruby, Emerald, Black, White, Pearl, Diamond, Platinum, Fire Red, and Leaf Green.Like I said the first pokemon where the rare ones. Dialga was born by space. Palkia was born by time. Mewtwo was made by Mews genetic genes. And thats how pokemon started!

amaris305 said...

i dont know anything about pokemon but i really like smurfs!

zet201 said...

i have been collectin pokemo cards since i was 6 so far i have 814 i wana get to 1000

Noelani 302 said...

i used to have about 500 pokemon cards...I STILL LOVE IT! but i stopped collecting...i want to start again but...when my mom saw me with all THOSE CARDS SHE WAS ANOYED!!! So when i stopped it was a miracle for her.So i dont want to dissapoint and go back!!! so anyways pokemon are creatures that can go into different forms and there are 650 including the new black&white. i regret quiting :'(

nathaniel319 said...

Edwin,Arceus could beat dialga. You just have to have all of the versions of him. I mean really, how can the maker of the pokemon universe get his butt kicked by his own creation?

nathaniel319 said...

Jonathan, your right. There is a lot of those crazy pokemons. Black and white though, how were they created. By messed up genes or something because these pokemons look nothing like the others we're used to. That or arceus got bored of the same pokemons.

Fatima304 said...

yay!pokemon are my favorite cards i play it all the time and trade cards

jorge303 said...

mr underwood is going to buy me the new black and white pokemon cards

Carolina319 said...

I can't wait to get pokemon white version! I trying to save up money. :D !!!!

hector 304 said...

Jacob is right the only one that can beat them is zoraark lvl. 100