Friday, June 3, 2011

Favorite School Memory

What is your favorite 2010-2011 school memory? For me, it might have to be when I found out a student said that it would be best if teachers were robots, so that you could turn them on and off. Really?! I'm thinking that would be nice if it were for students ... oh whoops! Did I say that out loud?

What's YOUR favorite school memory this year?


Patricia309 said...

I can admit school is kind of cool because u could make a new friend everyday and its a good thing u got friends because not everyone has friends and when ALL of your family members die ONLY friends are there by your side.

abraham201 said...

well theres one big memory it's the entire school year it's the best memory .

Noelani 302 said...

my fav school memory iis ALL cause everyday was like a memory for me cause we learned new things, chatted with friends, and shared some laughs. So ms.D i say All and im sad school is ending because imma miss waking up at 7:00am eatin cereal and trust me if you hate school, then whats the point of learning, without school we will be sitting in the corner wonder ing what 1+1 is! SCHOOL ROCKS AND FAREWELL MS.D and i hope you have a great summer!!!!!!! THATS TOO ALL MY FALCONER FALCONS IN HERE :)! see ya next yearrrrr

Jasmine 320 said...

This school year was totally awesome nd funny nd it was probably thanx 2 da knuckleheads nd all my awesome friends :)

Xavian 319 said...

erm... The school almost seemed to be the 5 hour delay of me and my brother actually hanging out, being the gamers we are, we rip eachother apart on video games, though he is better than me, but hey, that's how it works. He's player one, I'm player two. He's Sonic, and I'm Tails. He's Mario...and you can guess that I'm Luigi. Throwing taunts at eachother, given the chance of playing video games. Needless to say that My brother's awesome.

karina 309 said...

my fav memory is about childrens day when u get to have fun

Andrea309 said...

My favorite memory is childrens day it is so fun because you can dance play games and paint your face and eat ice cream

jellyxa 319 said...

I agree with noelani!