Friday, June 10, 2011

Sonic vs. Mario ...

So here it is ... Sonic vs. Mario. What's your take on the video games? Which one is better? I don't know what else to ask because Ms. D is not too familiar with this topic. Add to the conversation by sharing your knowledge and have fun.

(Post suggested by Xavian 319)


Gilbert 319 said...

Mario is better than any game except for shooting games

jair319 said...

well i like both but i think ill go for sonic

cristian319 said...

mario is way better but i like sonic too.

Xavian319 said...

Since I suggested this topic, I should know alot about it. Let's weigh games. Though, I do find the whole Mario platforming style fun, the Sonic sort of platforming just has more of an appeal to me. Sonic was the first game I played, but I grew up with both charecters. I've got to admit that Mario's 3D games are really good, some Sonic 3D titles could have been better. Sonic Adventure 2: Battle was an Awesome game. So was Super Mario Sunshine. Some enemies in Mario games are more of a threat compared to the enemies in Sonic. One enemie, the enemie I consider the most hostile, is the Slicer, introduced in Sonic 2 then came back in Sonic 4 episode: 1. Mario almost always had the same enemies: Koopas, Goombas, Buzzy Beatles, Hammer brothers, bullet Bills, and Bowser. Then came a whole new batch of enemies. Shy guys, Mouser... I forgot the rest(Oh wait! Pirannah Plants). Mario is not exactly a silent type, but he does not really speak Itallion or English. Sonic, on the other hand, speaks more in his 3D titles, when he's usually making a joke, so I guess you can say that Sonic is a jokester. Well, Sonic always beats Mario in my mind, I know probably many will disagree, but I'm just getting that out there. But if there were no Mario, then there probably wouldn't have been a sonic. Thank you Mario, or Mr. Miyamoto.

evan 304 said...

i think mario is better because they have really good 3d mario games and i tried the sonic 3d games too, but mario 3d games are more 3d.

emely305 said...

hey y"ll mario is the winner in here i love yoshi hes sooooooo cute so i go on mario my room is filled with ALL the games of mario