Sunday, January 31, 2010

Brownie Points Anyone?

It's February, and it's that time of year when couples celebrate the love they have for each other. Obviously, we're too young for that (or at least I hope we are), so I am suggesting we celebrate brownie points.

Brownie points are something people earn by doing good things towards each other. So for the month of February, Ms. D will be watching and listening for students who do kind and good things to one another, or maybe even a teacher. I'm not talking about kissing up to anyone either. These kind actions must be sincere and genuine ... from the heart.

If you'd like to nominate someone because something they did earns them a brownie point, leave a comment with specific details.

Did I mention that 12 people will be awarded a gourmet brownie; in other words very fancy & expensive chocolate brownies? Stay tuned ...


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michael301 said...

I like brownies I know you Mrs.D like chocolate brownies

nathan 320 said...

i wanna gie sebastian in 320 a brownie point because he is always nice to me

Erik 316 said...

MMMMMmmmmmmm BROWNIES!!!!!

Sanet316 said...

That is good. Brownies taste awesome. I love choclate. good idea Ms.D!

jazmin316 said...

If I could give someone a brownie point then it would have to be my bff Heidi Cerda in room 322 because she always helps me in homework and invites me every were shes got my back

Alethia316 said...

i think its something cool for people to express theirselves.Two of the teachers I love are Mrs.Hernandez and Ms.Dabrowski.Their the best teachers ever!!I promise i will get them something for Valentines day!:)

Cyan316 said...

I would love it if you can give senet a brownie b-cuz she is the friend anyone one can have and she is always helping me with all of my homework!Please give it to her!

Iridian 316 said...

Well as all you guys know love month is here some people think febuary is the most romantic month of every year. i cant wait for who is the lucky charm person im am hoping that everybody is nice in this type of month i hope yuo all nice people :)

jessica 317 said...

that is cool. brownies are very good

jazmin p.306 said...

I would like to nominate kelly because she helped me on a homework problem that I got confused on.

seiyana306 said...

Ms.d i love brownies and i would like to tell you my sister Sanet Padilla in room 316 dezerves a brownie point because she is kind and always is caring for others

Ana 320 said...

I want to give a brownie point to Blanca and Kimberly because they are allways nice to me

kimberly-320 said...

I wanna give ana a browine point beacause she has been a good friend to me. also wanna give a browine point to anita and blanca they been my friends forever so ana , blanca, and anita are my bff. =)

Anita 320 said...

Wow that's so cool Ms.D. A bunch of people have been talking about it. What kind of brownie do you like?

sandra320 said...

I love chocolate I hope i get a brownie point.

mary 3320 said...

i think its really nice

Jocelyn 323 said...

Mmm... Brownies sound good right now. I hopefully am going to try to be nice. It's not a force of habit.

Alexa314 said...

I think that it is a AWESOME idea! well the PEOPLE that i think should get a browin point is Jocelyn (323) and Mayra (314) because they are super helpful. They both help out people when they look down. They should really get a browine point!! PEACE OUT MA PPL!! ;D

Vanessa 316 said...

I think this is a good idea. I really think that Amy and Jennifer from room 316 should get a brownie point because they are always there for me and they are good friends. I also think Mayra from room 314 should get a brownie point because she is really nice to me and cool. Oh! and i think Maria in room 313 should get a brownie point because she is always making me happy when im sad. :)

Yesenia 320 said...

i would like to give many brownie points to Cindy in my class because she has always been there for me when i needed help. One time she helped me on homework and i got an A. Please give her a brownie point!!

Cindy320 said...

i would like to elect yesenia in my class brownie points because she is very helpful and she helps people in our class out sometimes and thats awesome. If you give her a brownie thatd also be awesome

Mayraa(: (314) said...

I think thats a great idea Ms.D!(:
I think the ppl that deserves a brownie are Alexa(314),Jocelyn(323),Paola(323),And Vanessa(316),they are awesome friends! They always try to help you when you need it(:

Byeee! Ha,Omg! I Want A Browine Now!

Kelly306 said...

I would like to give Jazmin P. some brownie points because she's my BFF.

Kelly306 said...

I also want to give Jacky some brownie points.

jazminp.306 said...

If I wanted to give a brownie point to somone I would give it to my bff Kelly because everytime I have a problem she always helps me with it.

Kelly306 said...

Ms.D your nice for giving uot brownie points.

Sylvia 204 said...

Mmmm, yes, brownies are a good thing. Just a quick reminder, ... when you nominate someone, make sure you give me specific details. It's not enough to say, "I want to nominate Ms. D." You want to say, "I want to nominate Ms. D because she makes learning fun for us." :0)

Paola 323 said...

Well Ms.D I'm nominating the greatestest friend in the whole world! lol and i did not make a mistake with the est at the end of that Mayra from (314) is the best friend in the planet she makes everyone have a good time and is very helpful with problems she makes me laugh all the time

i love her haha =] this idea rocks Ms.D

Malak Kanan 309 said...

I would like to nominate leslie in room 309 because she is helpful and nice she is understandeble too.

Allysa 309 said...

I would like to nominate Leslie in room 309 because she is friendly and nice she also keeps me company sometimes.

Allysa 309 said...

I would like to nominate leslie from room 309 she is really nice and helps when i have problem she is the best.

Leslie Mendoza 309 said...

Hi ms.D is me leslie from 309 i wanted to say the brownies look delicious and i really want to have one but,lets see what happends thankyou for showing me how to do this is awesome.

Leslie Mendoza 309 said...

I would like to nominate mrs.Wahlstrom because she is sweet nice and mainly helpful she also gives prizes.

Allysa 309 said...

i would like to nominate leslie from room 309 she is nice very helpful she should get it.She is the best.

Malak Kanan said...

i would like to give brownie points to leslie in room 309 because she is nice and my good friend.

jazminp.306 said...

I would like to give a brownie point to Jacky because today she helped me pick something up that dropped.

Nallely 319 said...

I want to nominate Catalina and Briana for helping me when I needed help in class. Briana helped me with a social studies project, she helped me look for the information. Catalina helped me today with the science question (#1) because I didn't understand the first part. Briana and Catalina!

Ariadna318 said...

If I could give a brownie to someone it will be my cousin Heidi Cerda in room 322. Because she helps me w/ my projects and she is always there 4 me.

Heidi322 said...

If I had to give a brownie 2 someoneI would give it 2 my bffl (best friend for life) Jazmin Alcauter she is always ther 4 me when I need her. Thanks! I would also like 2 give a brownie 2 my best cousin called Ariadna Vinalay from room 318. She is always helping me w/ everything. Thanks!

Darius309 said...

I would like to give a brownie point to my best friend in my class Sina b/c he's nice,he makes me laugh alot when i'm sick or sad,and he helps me on my math and other subjects i have trouble with. Please give Sina a brownie point b/c he is the nicest friend ever... Thanks Sina for being nice and making me laugh and being my friend!

Darius309 said...

I would like to nomanate my cousin Yesenia for a brownie point b/c she is da best cousin ever,and she was always there 4 me when I needed help,and she always makes me laugh when we hang out or talk on da phone. Thats why I wanna give her a brownie point...

Darius309 said...

Brownies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Ms.D...!

Darius309 said...

I would also like to give a brownie point to my 4th grade teacher Mrs.Wahlstrom b/c she is da best teacher anyone could get, and she is da best at helping others in my class. I'm glad i have her this year, but i'm going to miss her when i'm in 5th grade. I wish she was my 5th and 6th grade teacher! I also want her to be my 7th-13th grade teacher. Thanks for choosing me as your student Mrs.Wahlstrom...

alexis R. ( 314 ) said...

i think this is really cool i think! well theres many people i think who should get a brownie point and that is...mayra (314) alexa (314) De'Ana (314) and many others!!

Erik 316 said...

Giovanny helpd me with my homework and it was something really hard.

sanet316 said...

I want to give a brownie point to my best friend Cyan vasquez because he is always there for me she even gives me good advise on what do do is situattions she desex=vers a brownie point.

eRIK 316 said...

BROWNIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jazin316 said...

I think it is an awoseme idea i would like to give one to my bff Eileen. One because she helps me wif my homework. and also becauseshes smart resonable and funny.

Jorge316 said...

I think my friend Jose from 313 should get a point he is cool to me and good friend. I would also like to give a point to Jenny from 316 because when am sad she cheers me up!!!!

Frank 322 said...

I would like to nominate a brownie point to Giovanni from 322 for being a real friend when it comes to video games.

eduardo 323 said...

i love brownies mmmm.. they are great.

Ana 319 said...

That so cool what u are doing Ms.D. Who are you picking to get the brownie.

Allyza309 said...

I would like to nominate Evelina because she let me use a eraser because I didn't have one and because I made a mistake.

Gerardo 319 said...

I want to domanate my brother Alejandro Flores from 323 for helping me with my homework.

Ariadna 318 said...

I think my friends Alexandra and Gisel from my classroom also deserve a brownie because they are always there for me when I need help.

Catalina319 said...

I will want to nominate Nallely,Stephanie & Briana Because they help me on school work like. Nallely helps me on math problems when i dont get any And Briana helped me look up information for are social studies project And Stephanie she helps me in science when i dont get a question this is why i would like to nominate them there the best =)

leslie 323 said...

Ms.D think this is a great idea! the people that i think should get brownie points is evelyn(323)because ever since this started she's been trying to be a better person i also think that gabby (323) should get a brownie point because she makes you feel better when your sad, and last but not least you Ms.D because we can ask you questions that we cant ask any other teacher.

Angie 322 said...

I think you should give Kenya Maldonado in room 322 a brownie piont.

Ariadna 318 said...

Last but not least I want to give a brownie to my BCF Candy Vazquez from room 324 even thuoght we fight a lot I can count on her when I have worried about something or someone so Go for CANDY!!!

vanessa 323 said...

mr.s d i think this a great idea so people tha are nice on a reular bases could get noticed for it.

Allyza 309 said...

I would like to nominate Evelina from Room 309 for telling me what the steps were for our Scholastic News homework because I lost the paper where the steps were written, and I think that is a nice thing to do.

Alexandra 318 said...

i think Gisel Almazan should get a browny point because she is always nice to and respects me.

Jasmine311 said...

I would nomanate my friend Rose in 311 we are in the same class because she is my BFF :)

Rose311 said...

I would like to vote for my friend and almost sister Aide rm 302

yesenia Room 323 said...

I think alot of people in my class are nice the the 2 people that are being nice and helping other's is Gabriela and Leslie they are very kind and caring. They always know how to make a person feal better when they are depressed. They are very kind girl's.

Amy316 said...

I think Vanessa and Jenifer from 316 shoud get a brownie point because every time I need advise or help with something they help me out so they should get a brownie point(:

Jennifer 316 :) said...

I love brownies, Ms D! :) Well I would love to give a brownie points to all of my friends! Hmm.. well it goes for Sandra(320) for being so kind and funny! Vanessa,Amy, and Alethia from 316. Thomas(313) and Yvette(314). All of them are awesome friends! :D <3 I wish I could say more because of all my friends all thee bomb! :]

Vanessa 316 said...

I also think Jazlyn from room 322 should get a brownie because she helps me with my homework.

sandra320 said...

Can I give myself a brownie point huh Ms. D?
Because if i can i would like to give myself a brownie point..your not the only one who likes chocolate because i like chocolate to!!:)

And ofcourse i would like to give one to jennifer(316) Yvette(314) and Anita in room 320 there all nice.

Jellyxa R. 305 said...

I vote for yamira because when I am sad she is always there for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

maram 108 said...

malak was beeing nice

moohammad 315 said...

malak has been helpiing with my homework

kayla 302 said...

I want Abril Chaves in Room 302 to get a brownie point because she is nice to everyone she will never talk bad stuff about you.

Lejla 302 said...

I would like to nominate my friend Melissa in 302 becase she is really nice in scool and out.I see her almost everyday.She has a lot of friends.(You could see why I;m nominating her.)I also want to nominate my friend Kayla, because we are reaally good friends with melissa too. They're both awesome!

Gerardo322 said...

I would like to nomiante my friend Manuel for being so cool. He helps me out whe im stuck in math and my homework.

manuel322 said...

I would like to nominate my friend gerardo because he is my bestest friends

nathali319 said...

I think you should give every teacher a brownie point because they always work hard no matter how disrtacting we are they never give up on us that is soo nice!

Abril302 said...

First of all I would like to say everyone in my class are wonderfull to me not only in valintines day but scince the school started but out of all 32 people in my class i will only nominate 4 kids. The 4 kids I am talking about are Kayla,Mayra Marvely,and finaly Daniele(I am not sure if I spelled "Daniele wright sorry)they are not nice they are super nice!They treat me like I treat them. P.S.If it is possible I would also like to nominate my self scince I concider my self very polite with everyone.

miriam319 said...

i would like to give a brownie point to elizabeth 319 and heaven 319 for helping me with what i need help heaven helps me with math problems i dont understand and elizabeth because when ever i dont get something and heaven is not here she is alwways there for me if i need help.(ELIZABETH319 AND HEAVEN319)thanks for helping me you guys are the best!!

Loren Gonzalez rm 309 said...

hi mrs. d it's me Loren from room 309 i wuol like to nominate my best friend Edward b/c when he see's i have some things i need help on he helps me with them so please give him a brownie.

Loren room309 said...

Hi Mrs.D it is me Loren Gonzalez from room 309 i would like to nominate Sena b/c when we are at lunch he woulg give me his juice or if not he woulg give me his chips somr of them.

loren room309 said...

Hi Mrs.D its Loren i would like to nominate Mrs.Walhastrom b/c she is the best teacher in the world b/c she would help us on lots of things like if we are on our math she makes it more easyer for us we ether play a game or we just do the work in groups thats is why i want to nominate Mrs.Walhstrom.

Angie 322 said...

I think you should give Kenya Maldonado (322) a brownie point because she is really helpful and nice

Loren room309 said...

Hi Mrs.D its me Loren from room 309 i would like to nominate Jamila b/c she would always helps me on lots of things last time she gave me her phone number b/c if i need help on my homework i just call her if in my house everyone speaks spanish in my family so they don't now my homrwork

Loren room309 said...

Hi Mrs.D it's me Loren from 309 i would like nominate salena b/c she is really nice to me and all ways helps on my tests but does not give me the answers that's good so i could learn.

Johana311 said...

Well I will like to give Nancy Machuca in 311 a brownie point because she helped me with my Young Authors. She has a great imagination.

Rose311 said...

I would like to nominate my friend Jasmine from room 311 because she is my bff!

yvette311 said...

I would like to nominate my friend Jasmine from 311.

Jasmine 311 said...

I would like to nominate Johana from room 311 because she is so nice.

Eileen316 said...

I would give a brownie point to karen and cindy in 320 because they always help me on homework when i need it. Also they are good friends and share lots of things in common. I also would like to give a brownie point to my friend jazmine in 316 because she is funny and helps me out a lot.

Loren room309 said...

Hi Mrs.D it's me Loren from room309 i would like to nominate Martin because he helps me on everything every single day when im at school or at home.Thanks for helping me Martin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

nayeli322 said...

i would like to give a brownie to my best friends kimberly and heidi from 322!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jazmin 316 said...

I want 2 giv alethia 316 a brownue point because she helps mi w/ fashion advise and w/a lot mor dings

Nancy311 said...

I Would Like Johana Machuca to get a brownie poin because she is a great person she helpes me with my homework.

Jocelyn 323 said...

Well, I really love brownies! I want to reward my buddy Gabriela with eight brownie points. She helped me with my conflict with the computer. I think she really deserves these points. Not just b/c she is my friend, though! XD

Gabriela 323 said...

i like too give 10 brownies points to jocelyn santos because she is a good firend and helps me alot.yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!: )

Eileen316 said...

I would like to give my friend Iridian a brownie point because she helps me solve problems. Also she helps me with homework sometimes.

Jennifer 316 :) said...

Ms. D I will like to give a brownie point to my friend Alexis Ahmed in 314! She's cool and helps me with my homework. Also she's there for me whenever I'm sad. :) Hehe ! Same for the other people that deserves a brownie points!
Ps; Besides a brownie could it be a Chocolate Chip Cookie? :D <33 It would be really awesome! :] Hahaha. ;)

giovanni 316 said...

i would like to give a brownie point to erik becouse he is a true friend and is very nice

Cyan316 said...

I would love 2 give my cousin jasmin soto a brownie point.B-cuz she is awesome n she is always nice n tells me the truth about everything!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE give her one thank you!!!!!!!!!!!

Jorge316 said...

I wold also like 2 give a point to my good friend Orlando Juan and Vanessa there cool!!and very good friends they ern a point=)

seiyana306 said...

hi ms.d today i love doing isat pret so i was thinking to give a brownie points to jasmin.

Nayeli322 said...

i would like to give a brownie point to my best friend blanca in room 320!!!

Blanca320 said...

I want to give brownie points to Nayeli(Room322)and Miguel(Room323).They're so super nice.They help me alot!!

julio 224 said...

i would like to give julius in 317 a brownie point cause he always helps me with my homework especially wheni need it...

Adrianna 305 said...

I WANT 2 Give a Brownie 2 Stephanie Nunez (307)

Leslie 323 said...

Ms.D i would like to ask you if you can give evelyn (323) jocelyn (323)and gabriela (323) 10 brownie points because since they saw that they would get a brownie they were trying to be better people and i think they accomplished it they help anyone that needs help and they are cool friends!!!

Erik 316 said...

MY friend giovanny is a very good person he shares suff with me and is a very nice person so he should get a brownie point

Rose 311 said...

i would vote for my friend Joannha M. in rm 311 because she is so very nice to me and everyone

Jocelyn 323 said...

The people that I think deserve a brownie point are Alexa (314), Mayra (314), De'Ana (314), Vanessa (323), and Evelyn (323). They are so fudging awesome! Mmm... Fudge is reminding of brownies right now. Award me with brownie points you guys!! XD

Evelyn rm323 said...

I would like to nominate gabby for brownie points she is a good friend and helps me out

judith322 said...

I would want to dominate lots of people but the iones that really deserve it are gissella(313)Paola(323) mayra(314)Jazlyn(322)Getzemeny(322) and kenia and jailene

jasmin306 said...

Mrs.D your like my twin.BEcausei also love chocolate alot.I would like you to givr points to my brother Samel Diaz.I would like it bacause he always defens me and also cause i lovae him.I love those yumi brownies.

maram108 said...

malak in 309 has been so nice to me she has been helping me with me home work

gisel318 said...

i want to give alexandra avila for being a good friend with me

gisel318 said...

I also want ariadna vinalay to get a brownie point because she is also a good friend an d is always there for me.

Alethia316 said...

YUMMI MS.D!!Well i would like to give a browie point to (JUDITH BELTRAN) in room (322).Shes a very good person.She cares 4 her frendz and shes very supportive in gud and bad times.Shes an example 2 follow!!SHES MY BFF!!:)WERE LIKE SISTERS!!xD

Jazmin 316 said...

I would like 2 nominate Judith from room 322 1 becus she is funny smart generous. I just like 2 b r ound her. She is awoseme. FIERCE AND LOVE

Erik 316 said...

IF i win i would like a chocolate brownie

Jose317 said...

I will vote for Victor from 317 because he treats me well and he's funny

Arlene 317 said...

i nominate Jessica Myles from room 317. because shes a really good friend and she has been their for me ever since i met her!

Jessica317 said...

I wanna nomintate Arlene Miranda 317. Bcuz she is a great friend she always listens to my problems,And she knows how to listen[WHEN NEEDED]And ive known her since kindergaten and she hasnt chanqened except she got taller. And she is like a sister ive never had!=][No Joke]

isaiah 302 said...

the person i pick her name is breena because sometimes she is nice

demetrio baca room302 said...

i would like to giver achocalet to amber becaus sge told me she helps kindergardeners read write thats wy i think she should get a choclate

Breanna 302 said...

To be honest Mrs. D i think i should deserve at least a brownie point because I have a sweet tooth and i eat a lot. I know im skinny but i do eat a lot when it comes to sweets. If i tell Mr.Aurthur you are giving brownie points to get a brownie, he will make me drull. Because he always talks about food on purpose. So I hope this is very convincing. ;)

arlene 317 said...

i vote for julius cause he helps me with a lot such as homework...

julius 317 said...

i vote for arlene cause she is helpful...

nathaniel 317 said...

i vote for julius in 317 ause he is very helpful to me

Alanyss 317 said...

i vote for julius cause he is very helpful and is nice to me

Richelle 319 said...

I will like to nominate Elizabeth becuase when i dont get a math problem she helps me

maria 317 said...

I will like to nominate Alanyss,nathaniel and julius because they help me in class and also because there are very good friends

Marvely302 said...

I would like to give brownie points to Mayra(302), Abril(302), and Aide(302) because tey are so nice to me.
Ps: Can I give myself to.

Nathaniel 317 said...

I vote for Alanyss Deleon 317 because she's nice :)

Blanca320 said...

I give a brownie point to getzymany. Shes in Mrs. Mosqeuras class.

jasmin306 said...

Mrs.D i would like you to give brownie points to cielo because she"s always nice and cause she"s my bff.Another reason is because her grandma let"s me walk with them so i could get to my dad"s truck.

kimberly-320 said...

i wanna give a browine point to cyan in room316 and sandra in 320 they are good friends to me also ana in 320 and anita in 320 and blanca in 320

people give a browine point plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ana 320 said...

I want to give a brownie point to Anita Kimberly and Blanca in room 320 because they are really good friends and they always help me out if i need help

jasmin306 said...

Mrs.You are so smart for inventing the brownie contest

Jasem306 said...

I think my sister Alexis Ahmed deserves A brownie. She deserves one because she would always take care of me. And she needs a treat to eat. And also she loves chocolate.

jasmin306 said...

Mrs.D i would like to nomintae seyiana for ever time she helps me carrie my frenc horn.

Thomas 313 said...

I would like to nominate my friends...Just someone there to talk to when I am feeling down or someone to make me laugh...First of all Jennifer in room 316 has been my friend since I was 5 so we have been pretty good friends! I would also like to nominate Nathan and Christian just for being cool! :D They also help me out with sorting out my problems!

Maria :) said...

I think that vanessa lagunas (316) should get a brownie because she is always there for me...i also think that jazlyn (322) should get a brownie because she alway kind and nice to me!!!!!And janet and yamilet(313) too because they are always helping me with my homework and always there for me also..

kiersha 303 said...

I want to give a brownie to ana she is cool

joshline318 said...

i think the brownie person could be ,is Deanna Delgado.She is a nice person .

Jazmin 316 said...

I would like 2 give ariadna(318) becus shes nice n tweet n funny nayeli(322) b cus she helps me out wen a need hr n lisensjasmine (316) because she helps mi wen ima ina hurry oar wen i need hr brenda(316) because she tries and does mak me laugh wen im in ↓vannesa and amy 316 bee cus thei r high larios getzemany 322 maryla 322 because they dont treat me bad they care about ma dangs

gie mi brownie points peeez ppl
fierce and love

Paola311 said...

I am preety excited about the brounies that mrs.Dabrauski is going to give out to us :) and I would like to vote for my funny friend Rose!:D Oh and good looking brounies!

Alethia316 said...

I wanna give (YaMILET ALBARRAN)in room (313) a brownie point for being a gud frend, shes always there wen u need her support!!!:]

Alethia316 said...

I also wanna give a brownie point to(MARIA ORELLANA)in room(313)for being a gud person.Shes smart,nice,pretti,and a gud frend!!:]lol

Alethia316 said...

I would like 2 give dis guy named (ALEJANDRO LANDA)in room (201).Hes a respectful guy hes like ma bro!!:]

julius 317 said...

I vote for maria in 317 cause she is nice to me and she always shares

Jessica317 said...

I vote 4 Julius Lugo from rm 317 bcuuz he is helpful and funny

samuel D311 said...

Mrs.D i always wish to eat a brownie.

Jasem306 said...

Ms.dabrowski can i please have a brownie. i love chocolate. Can i please have a chocolate brownie. I work really hard in school. Plus i have all A"s and B"s and one C in science.

Jasmin Diaz306 said...

Mrs.D i would like you to give as many points to Leslie Mendoza because she is my friend since i was in third grade she was my relly bff i wished always that she bees with me evary time but wihes may come true or may not.

Rossy317 said...

If I could give a brownie point I would give it to my friend Michelle. Because she has been a good friend and had done good things.

Rossy318 said...

I also would like to give a brownie point to my other best friend Mercedes Patino she also is a good friend and shares what she has I think she's a good friend and thats nice of her.

maria 317 said...

i also will like to give a brownie pointto arle because she helps me with my homework and also because she is a very good friend.

maria 317 said...

i vote for xenia because she is a very good friend and helper.

Jellyxa R. 305 said...

I vote for Mrs.Radwanski becuase she helps me when I need help.

Rossy317 said...

Other person I would like to give a brownie point is to Jessica M.317she has been a very good friend and has done good things for me.

Aime 202 said...

I have a question why is this called brownies points Ms.D ? Is it because Ms. D like chocolates and brownies have chocolate ?

Miguel 310 said...

Almost everyone is voting for girls boy are getting behind !

Rossy317 said...

I would like to give 15 brownie points to my sister in 1 grade Aime202 she is funny and kind .

alexis100 said...

i think maria from 313 should get a brownie point because she is nice to people and she is funny and helpful

alexis100 said...

i think genesis,joel,cristian yamilet from 313 should get browie points because their ssooooo nice..

Rossy317 said...

I would like to give 5 brownie points to Jessica M in 317 because she helps me in math problems when I dont understand.Also because I know I can trust on her she is a kind and good friend.

Rossy317 said...

Michelle is a very good friend so I would like to give her 5 points. Because she has being my friend since kinder and whe are good friends. Also she always hears me when I have a problem and gives me her opinion.

daniel 317 said...

I want to give my teacher a point

julius 317 said...

i would like to vote for jessica myles in 317 cause she makes me laugh and is sometimes helpful....

Evelyn rm323 said...

I want to give Jocylen 323 a brownie point because she is a good friend and loyal

Lesly 311 said...

maritza from 311 is so nice that she is my best friend she lets me borow stuff she is so cool =]

ameera311 said...

I want to vote for Maritza becauase she been always nice to me.

maritza 311 said...

paula because she is nice

johana311 said...

I would like to give a brownie point to Ameera in room 311. Because she is a good friend. She also is nice to me.

ameera311 said...

I want to give a brownie point to Johana in 311 because she is always nice to me and always helps me when i need help.

Paola311 said...

I would like to give my sister Coralina Alarcon because she helped me with my young authers! :D

Paola311 said...

I would like to give a brawnie pint to Maritza because she is a verey nice person! :)

maritza 311 said...

uriel from 311 because he is nice

maritza 311 said...

daniel m because he is nice

jasmin diaz306 said...

Yummmmmmmiiiiiiiiiiiii chocolate?

Joel 311 said...

I would like to give my friend david a brownie point from room 311 because he helps me get answers on play live.

alessandra 319 said...

I want to give a browine point to
jasmine because she helped me under stand someting

arlene317 said...

i wold like to give jasmine from room 317 becouse she is so nice and kind to me and helpes me wen i need help with homwork and stuff

jessica317 said...

i would like to give jasmine brownie points becouse she really nice to me and is a really good friend to me shes awsome

Crystal317 said...

i would like to give jasmin from 317 brownie points because shes a good friend and very nice and active

arlene317 said...

this is awsome.And i like brownies

jasmine317 said...

i would like to give a brownie point to jessica cuz she i really nice to me and is an awsome friend

Jessica317 said...

I would like to nominate Victor317.
Because he is really nice....
And he is Very Funny[Sometimes]
And he nows how to treat ppl like humans unlike other ppl J.k
But 4real he he koo
&nd i thinxk he deserves a
Brownie Pts...

Mario317 said...

I vote for Jessica Myles317
Bcuz she funny and she helps me
with my homework and she knows
how to make friends quick
with her coolness LOL
But 4real she has been a qreat friend for a lonq time
And we always ply soccer at her house she is a nice person and i think she deserves a brownie pt

Nallely 319 said...

I would like to nominate Briana(again) for helping me with my math homework today. Our teacher left early today again so we had Mr. Burgen as our substitute. After math he let us work on our math homework and whenever I needed help I would just say "Hey Briana I don't understand number ...". She has always been so helpful and has always been there for me. I hope Briana gets a brownie, She deserves one. I sit in front of her and I've seen her help Jonathan, Stephanie, and sometimes even Catalina! I hope she gets a brownie, she is indeed a very giving, honest, and helpful person. BRIANA'S A WINNER!

ashaunti311 said...

I would like jesica from 317 to have a brownies point because she my best BFF and i want her to be happy!!!

ashaurri217 said...

I think my sister best BFF sould have a brownie point because she be nice to me!jesicafrom 317

alessandra 319 said...

I would like to give a brownie point to heaven in 319 because she
is a very good friend and awsome.

Heaven 319 said...

I will like to give a brownie point to Alesandra and Maysaa in room319 because their the nicest person ever.

Alessandra 319 said...

i will like to give a brownie point to Maysaa in 319 because she awsome plus a very very very very good friend.

Alessandra 319 said...

i will like to give a brownie point to Maysaa in 319 because she awsome plus a very very very very good friend.

mercedes317 said...

karla and patrcja from 317 should get one cuz there so respectful towards others.

Keilyn 317 said...

I vote for Patricjia because she is nices and shares.

jada317 said...

I give Crystal a brownie point becaues she is my friend and she diseves one and she is a smart girl from the bottome of my heart she is my friend crystal you are cool know mater what

Aime202 said...

I would like to give a brownie point to Enya202 because she is my friend and shares with me she also helps me on my homework and always hears me when I need to be listen Enya is a very good friend.

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