Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Math Madness

When I was a student I loved math! Let's use this space to talk about something we enjoy about math, or about the things we have a hard time getting. Even though I loved math, there were things I did not get. So let's help each other out here.

If someone is struggling with something, let's give them some tips to help them understand. Besides, math is used every single day of our lives. Think about it, ... everything we do involves numbers.

(Post suggested by Fatima 304)


darian 311 said...

i love math it is my favorite subject in the univers

malak311 said...

yea everyone should help in math like you said everyday we use math and those that need help we should help because math isnt for smart peaople there for all people

michelle318 said...

well im having hard time in reading and rithing but my favorite subject right now is math but wen im in highschool or middleschool i will study french

Ricardo323 said...

Personally I think Social Studies is better than math.

angelo 305 said...

Ilove math. if math was a girl i would marrie her. math is my favorite subeject.

Eunice 319 said...

I love math and I'm good at it.I can help people with it.If I know or learned it yet.

Estefany316 said...

I i love math its the best i keep getting A's on it

hasanah305 said...

I think math can sometimes be boring and sometimes fun. I don`t really know what to choose

Gilbert 319 said...

I love Math too because everything needs to have Math in every job