Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Tsunami in Japan

Let's use the blog to talk about things around the world. Less than 2 weeks ago, Japan was hit with a devastating tsunami, caused by an earthquake in the Pacific Ocean. Check out a BrainPop video on tsunamis or click on the link below to get a sense of how much tragedy there is in Japan.

(Don't forget to log in on BrainPop)

Learn and show that we can be aware and sensitive to what's going on in Japan.

(Post suggested by Noelani 302 & Adriana 306)


emmely301 said...

i will try my best to help u >>>>>>>> japan <3

darian 311 said...

i wish i could so much of all of those people that do not have homes i will try my best

Razan 311 said...

I think everyone should try to help Japan!

alondra311 said...

razan you are right,we should help japan because they made parts of our technology and they made us happy,so now its our turn to make them happy.

jonathan311 said...

i feel very sory for the people some say the people are missing.

david311 said...

I think i should try to go there in summer to try to help the people.

malak311 said...

awww when i saw what happened it was sad like what razan said we should all help to save them !

rachel 311 said...

i agree with razon she has a point everyone should help they all once helped you.

leonardo 311 said...

I think that we fweel bad about tsunami in Japan I would help the people that got hurt.

Caitlin 311 said...

I think everyone should try their best to help the people of Japan. I know I will try my best to help them:)

Sophia306 said...

Wow, it's so scary because they say it is going to be worse next year, I can't imagine how "worse" is going to be like. Also some people believe the sun is dieing and earth is, too. I hope I will make it in time to do my life dreams. (~ ~)

Jellyxa 319 said...

I feel so bad that there was a tsunami in japan and i will try all my best to help them and i agree with razan 311:everyone should try to help even if its sending a little bit of money to japan

michelle318 said...

i feel soo bad about what happen in japan.If i had alot of money i will donat half that money to japan.i will try everithing to help you japan.

jonathan311 said...

poor japan i heard that after the tsunami a nuclear power plant exploded as if the tsunami wasnt bad enough

Noelani 302 said...

i <3 u japan and if ican i will start a food drive!! HANG IN THERE :D

Adriana306 said...

Ms. D thanks for posting our suggestions. I feel so bad for what happened to the people of japan. I want to help them even tough they are on the other side of the globe. I hope they all get their homes back an d regain hope.

ruben308 said...

the tsunami was very bad to the people.

Andrea309 said...

I am realy sorry what happen with the people in Japan they lost the house and have to live with other people in one place

Taina 309 said...

man when i sow this i was so scared i feel like its going to happen over here but i hope not i wanna help japan<3

karina 309 said...

i think that we should all help so they could have food and shelter

cereza 309 said...

i feel bad for the peopl in japan wish i can help and i try to make a diffrens ! good luck japan!!!:)

Alejandro309 said...

Its a good thing the United States and Mexico are here to help Japan.

jose 309 said...

i feel so sorry that they all died in that tsunami.

jose 309 said...

i feel so sorry. i wish i could help.

Patricia309 said...

I wish i could help people in Japan.

luis309 said...

i feel bad becase we ask four so much when they just whant a home

Norberto 309 said...

I wonder when Japan will be back to normal i wanted to visit

kiara309 said...

i agree with luis309 we ask for so much and all there asking 4 is a home

Hector303 said...

That power plant that blew up in japan sure did cause a lot of damage.

Jaylina303 said...

I really feel bad for Japan.I hope there is not another tsunami in Japan,that will be very sad.

diana317 said...

i feel bad for japn another tsunami happened

Layla317 said...

I hate what happened to Japan!
It was awful and i think that if I was there i would do anything i could to help.

Hector317 said...

i think it is upseting that a lot of people died and i know that the people who survived were going through many bad things.

michelle317 said...

wow tiz is so bad!! i really feel bad :( i hope dt everyone is nise enough to try to help japan.LETS HELP JAPAN!!!!:)

Maria317 said...

I think they will need more help:/

angelo305 said...

I cant belive jupan had a tornado japan had alot of torcher all ready.

marelyn 305 said...

I am so sad because in japan because everyone were running from the earthqueak and sunami.

jonathan305 said...

i feel bad for japan for what happen we should give money to help them build town and citys back

timothy 305 said...

i think it is bad that those poor people have to suffer because of that tsunami

Cindy305 said...

I feel sad because a lot or people lost their home

alma318 said...

i feel so sorry for japan because a tsunami happen in japan