Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Royal Wedding Bliss

April 29, 2011, marked a historic day for England ... Prince William gets married to Kate Middleton. When his grandmother (Queen Elizabeth II) and his father (Prince Charles) pass away, he will be the King of England.

Check out the link below to take a look at the wedding, its preparation, and what happened after. Write back your thoughts. Would you want to have been there? What must it feel like to be royalty? I think about that a lot ...


michelle318 said...

well i dint see the royal wedding because it started at 2:00 in the mornin .i could not see it because the next day i was going to school and i had to sleep.i now there prince and princess but wats the hoe deal with al that people coming .its was just a regular wedding

Noelani 302 said...

i loved it it was so blissful <3

citlaly305 said...

the royal wedding was a blast because there where alot of people <3