Tuesday, May 3, 2011

What's for Breakfast?

On April 29, 2011, Falconer begins their new breakfast program. How is it going so far? Do you like the choices? Do you like or dislike that you have to eat breakfast? And do you think it's helping you out by giving you energy for school?

They say breakfast is the MOST important meal of the day ... what do you think?


mirella318 said...

i like breakfast in the morning because it wakes me up so i can start anew day in school :)

karina 309 said...

i also agree with mirella becuase it dose wake me up, i used to be tired and hungry put know im not

Carolina319 said...

Breakfast is VERY important! If you don't then you will go to school all hungry! D:

Adriana306 said...

Ms. D i like breakfast but not during our instructional time

NancyC313 said...

SO far breakfeast has been good i like the ot food choices. eexcept that they give oatmeal no one likes oatmeal. i think this is good idea to have breakfast in class that way kids who didnt eat at there house they have a chance to at in school.

stephanie318 said...

i don't really like breakfast because it takes time away of our learning.