Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Anyone Have Free Time?

So when all your homework and your chores at home are done, ... what do you like to do with your free time? When we talk about these things, let's try to stay away from video games. We all know you guys LOVE video games! What are some other things you love doing with your free time?

Post Suggested by Angelica 318


Xavian 319 said...

Sleep, and secretly wishing that life was like a video game, or a comic book, or that we are all adventurers and there was monsters, and I can finally fulfill my dreams of fighting crime and stuff, and I would never be bored on my freetime...
(I sucessfully admitted that my freetime is boring because all I do is read, instead of saving lives, or risking my own, or just plain having fun)

ashley 309 said...

well,if I had free time I would play soccer all the time.

Andrea309 said...

After i finish my homework i read a book or go out side and play with some friends

malak311 said...

what i do after my homework is play on my guitar its very fun and creative !

Patricia309 said...

well, if i had free time i would read a book, play soccer, play basketball or go swimming.

emely305 said...

i like spending some time with my family and friends(most likely my friends!)

kiara309 said...

on my free time i would usually spend time with my family but now that we have a store we jut don't have the now the options are read (which i highly do),go play outside,or watch TV.

victor 303 said...

I like to ride my bike and play football

Xiomara 303 said...

In my free time I like to go to the park with my friends. And sometime my mom and I go out with her friends and I play with her kids.

antonio303 said...

I play basketball in my spare time

lanny303 said...

i like to go to the park with my friends.

Jacob 303 said...

Honestly, the only thing I do in my free time is play video games. I just cant find anything else to do. Anyone have suggestions?

Jose303 said...

Well,with my free time i play basketball or watch tv.

eddy317 said...

what i love to do with my free time is to go to the park n play soccer. soccer is my faverit sportit keeps u healthy

bryan317 said...

stay away from video games i dont think so lolz :p

Layla317 said...

If i had free time i would call my friends right away and go outside and play, but I almost never have free time (wich is a boring thing)

vanessa317 said...

If i had Free Time i will Play Soccer Because Its my favorite Sport

Miguel319 said...

In my free time i either go to soccer practice or just play soccer, i just want to say, I LOVE SOCCER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mario201 said...

play sports they never get boring but baseball does after a long time .

edwin308 said...

what i do when i am done with my homework is that i go outside and ply with my friends sports like soccer,football,or basketball thats what i do all day long until i go inside my house and go to sleep and then i could go outside until the next day.

jhoana308 said...

If i had free time i will go outside and play with friends.

hector303 said...

when I have free time i just go and play a online webste called roblox its really fun!and i play black ops but the worst part is at night when i have to get my rabit i have to chase her chase her nd i get tired.but then i just watch tv and then go to sleep

hector303 said...

and sometimes i chase my rabbit :3 :P and i go outside :D-

karina 309 said...

well i really don not like viedo games i would like playing outside with my friends.that's what i do

Adriana306 said...

Usually when i finish my homework i read a book or play. on monday night i go to dance class and on fridays and sundays i play soccer. when i turn 13 i will play karate

wendy305 said...

I like playing outside but school comes first then play

angelo305 said...

when my chors and my homework is done and i had to do what i had to do for the day i like to kick back a relax.

Leslie319 said...

I like being in the computer most of the time, but I cant because my mom takes me out of it :(
But I also like to go to my cousins house that lives downstairs from me or sometimes go to my friend Oscar's house. :)

Liliana201 said...

When I am done with my homework I go outside and play soccer with my brother.

Darius302 said...

I either sleep or go outside and play football! I sleep because either I'm tired,or I'm sore,or I just sleep just to sleep. Now if I'm not tired I go outside and play football! Now if you know someone who knows me, asked them what my favorite sport is. So besides videogames, I love to sleep, or play football outside for my freetime! :-)

marcos 301 said...

play guitar or play video games
or watch some TV