Thursday, March 17, 2011

International Flavors

What in the world does 'international' mean? It means looking at the global community, or looking at countries outside the U.S. The fact is, we all represent a country. I represent Poland, because I am Polish. Even though I think I'm Irish, I am fully Polish because both my parents were born there.

So let's talk about your country and your family. Where is your family from orginally, and what are some things you do to celebrate the culture you represent? Because I think I'm Irish, I know I celebrate St. Patrick's day (March 17th). How about you?

(Post suggested by Adriana 306)


Fatima304 said...

fatima 304
my family is from mexico D.F. I am from Chicago,Illinois. I am very proud of my state because wwe can do alots of things that other states can´t do.

Allyza 319 said...

My Family is originally from the Philippines.We celebrate a time called "simbang gabi" that is in our language and it celebrates the birth of jesus.In english "simbang gabi" means night mass.It's not exactly that, but close to it.It's so fun for me when we celebrate it. :D

Adriana306 said...

Thank you Ms. D for posting my suggestion. My family is from mexico and i live in Chicago, Illinois. Im proud of were i live and were im from.

Jonathan305 said...

My family is Cambodian and Mexican but i was born here in usa we celebrate cambodian new years

Sophia306 said...

I'm cambodian/chinese. But I'm not so much chinese I'm more cambodian and I'm not going to tell you why. My family usually talks in one certain language. I'm more clear speaking English so I have to practice my other language by certain types of schools. But, I don't go to does certain schools anymore.

Ricardo323 said...

I was born here but I'm Mexican and Guatamalan and we celebrate 5 de Mayo and Mexican Independance Day.

Kelly319 said...

My parents was from Vietnam,but my mom's mom was from China and I am from America so i am abcv that is American born Chinese and Vietmese

jonathan305 said...

im excited because we are about to celebrate cambodian new year later in the month