Thursday, March 10, 2011

Lions, and Tigers, and Bears ... Oh My?

If you know you're movies, you know that the title of this blog comes from the Wizard of Oz. But we're not here to talk about movies again. This is all about your favorite animals.

What are they? Why are they your favorite animals? Would you and could you have them as pets? Would you take care of them or leave it for your parents?

(Post suggested by Yamaira, Carolina, and Jordan)


steven318 said...

My favorite animal is a puppy because they are very cute and very playful.

Dennis318 said...

my favorite animal is a lion becaues it is big and big teeth and they are fast and i like the way look at you and they have my favorite color.

Sophia306 said...

I like cool and cute pets or animals. I like snakes, crabs, cats, puppies,{never will like dogs, their horrible} fish, rabbits,bunnies, and bugs. Like fireflies and ladybugs. All these animals, I already experienced being with, except for the snake. Guess what, I've been on a camel, horse, and elephant? All in different places. Huh, you might think it's impossible. :} smiles

Caitlin318 said...

My favorite animal is cats, puppies,bunnies,ladybugs,and fileflies because they all are so cute and they have nice color....

fatima304 said...

my favorite animal is a cat because they curl around u

leslie 304 said...

my 2 favorite animals are a dogs or cats because if you have no friends they are your friends

diana 304 said...

my favorite animal are puppies because they are really cute and they play with u :)

leslie304 said...

fatima 304, I am totally with you cats curl around you alot

Jared304 said...

I like animals because they are like familly to the earth and its part of it

Noelani 302 said...

my favorite animals are...ALL ANIMALS! THE REASON WHY IS THAT ALL ANIMALS ARE BEAUTIFUL(exept for skunks).i love lions,tigers,birds,i love dooogs (i have 2 dogs)!i love snakes,not reallly cats.but realy all the animals in the world will be gone someday so admire them while you can!Ms.D wat is ur favorite animal?

Carolina319 said...

My favorite animals are birdies.......but the type would have to be a Scarlet Macaw :3

angelica318 said...

MY favorite kind of animals are monkeys and frogs because they are so cute!...xD

malak311 said...

my favorite animal is a monkey because there so cute and they also could be pets but fummy ones and ill really take cae of it ill feed it my parents wont worry

Kayla 316 said...