Thursday, March 17, 2011

So Now That They're Over ...

ISATs are done!! I'm sure everyone, students and teachers, are exhilirated that all the pressure is off.

So now that they're over, are you happy, sad, or mad? How do you feel now that the biggest test of the year is over?

(Post suggested by Darius 302)


Noelani 302 said...

i had so much pressure during the isats.but i think i did well.all teachers and student must be thrilled! but im not happy,sad,or just felt normal when the isats were done like "oh todays the last say YAY!" i didnt go all "OMG THE ISATS ARE DONE YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYYAY" i didnt explode like that! but i am happy all the pressure is gone, and so are all my classmates.when the isat results come im confident i will ace it :)!

Carolina319 said...

I feel happy and great! :)

Mariah323 said...

I feel as if there was a lot of weight taken off of my shoulders. And since ISATS are over now its time to get ready for an awsome spring.

yamaira318 said...

yay yay yay yay yay the ISAT is over

Dennis318 said...

i am happy becases it is good thant the ISIt is over and i love it now i can sotp sleepen earle

rachel 311 said...

i tried my best on the isat it was a little hard but what can i say atleast all the work did not go on very happy that the isat is finally over all of that pressure made me tired.

malak311 said...

well i feel nervous i feel like im going to fail but at least i tried :)

jonathan311 said...

the isats gave me headaches

Jellyxa 319 said...

I still have pressure because i dont know if i am going to go to 6th grade or not but i know that i will i just got to believe in me!

jaquelyn306 said...

i'm so happy that isat testing is over yay but i still think i'm going to pass 4th grade

jonathan305 said...

isats were hard and easy

Stephanie 308 said...

I agree Jaquelyn it was hard and easy

valeria317 said...

im glad that isat is done

danotza said...

everyone is so happy now seend the isat is over yaaaa no more test but then my teacher came with a test the next day that juts made my day bad!