Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Why Famous People?

What exactly does it mean to be famous? We make such a big deal about celebrities and famous people. Why? What is it about them that draws us to them? Because we aren't famous, is there something we don't have that they do?

Talk about a famous person you look up to or admire. Why do you? What's the big deal?

(Post suggested by Diana 304)


Maylin318 said...

I edmire Justin Bieber.Because he went thrue alot in life and look at him now he is famous.Also cause he is so cute.

rachel 311 said...

i admire justin bieber his songs are so sweet he went through alot i agree with maylin out of all that trouble he went through now he is famous and cut.

malak311 said...

well i admire selena gomez because she sounds like she is so nice but also there are many people to admire and because of that there famous to us !

edward311 said...

my favorite celeberdy is selena gomez because she is a great singer

Isabel311 said...

i look up to Justin Bieber not cause he is famous but he started as a teenager . I dont know why people just like famous peple juat cause they are famous . If i were to be famous i would want to just do it cause i enjoy singing . Peolpe stop liking famous peolpe just cause they are famous!

Ricardo323 said...

Justin Bieber will never be as good as Michael Jackson and he was singing at a younger age than him he started when he was 12.

Ricardo323 said...

Also Michael Jackson had a worse childhood than Justin Beiber and he was alot better.

Sophia306 said...

I can't say who I don't like that is famous because not everyone will agree, but I like the 90s pop music very, very, very much! Like Britany Spears, Backstreet Boys, Insink, Jessica Simpson, Mariah Carie, Justin Timberlake, 5ive, 98degrees, and so on. I also like korean singers, like, Taeyang, Taebin, and se7en.

Jellyxa 319 said...

Why does everyone have "Beiber Fever"? I agree with malak 311 and edward 311 i ABSOLUTLY look up to Selena Gomez i love that she is a good rolemodel and she is a GREAT singer!

Alondra311 said...

Isabel it may be true that Jus for being famous you should enjoy singing and not Just care for the money.$$$$

malak311 said...

Also Selena Gomez called ramona and beezus on the interview Joey King said that Selena was like a sister so that makes me really admire her and i agree Jellyxa that shes a good singer ! :) :) :)

Miguel319 said...

Selena Gomez is a pretty good sing and its pretty cute.

michelle318 said...

i edmire justin biber.well because he is soo cute and because he shows people to live there dreams.i love you justin biber.

kiaralis319 said...

i like justin bieber but not a lot and my mom said he sings like a boy

Stephanie 308 said...

Selena Gomez is nice in real life. I wish she was my friend Selena is also a good acties.Selena Gomez is the greaties actor in the would.

marelyn305 said...

I admire of justine bieber why do we can't meet him only his family could meet him i hate that i love him because he has alot of fans and his song are cute even never say never and inne minne mo he looks so cute both videos. Also, i think he does like his fans because he is always saying that they are more lovers than haters. Also,he is always so cute in every poster you should see my room theres aLOT OF JUSTINE BIEBER POSTERS because me and my sister are the biggest fans. One of this days you would see my name Mrs.Bieber for my last name.

natalie309 said...

I admire justin bieber because he has talent and he looks good on videos.

Kevin 309 said...

ive always admied drake ive always admied him since i was 6 some of the times that i hear his songs are when i get home from school or when am bored.

Patricia309 said...

i admire Selina Gomez and Justin Bieber because they went through a lot.

Norberto 309 said...

I like lil wayne because his music helps me do homework and concentrate

cereza 309 said...

i admire so many people like drake,
justin bieber, ellen, lil wayne and many other people. i dont know why they're soooo populure just becaue of there talent every one has a talent you know!!i guss just there really good at there own talent !!!!:)

Tiersa 303 said...

I admire Justin Bieber because he has been through so much and he has a good talent plus he sings like an angel.

Rossy317 said...

Well I admire and love Taylor Lautner from Twilight he's just so cute and hot i think he's the cuttest ware wolf in the world(also a great actor) !

Catalina317 said...

i admire Justin Bieber not beacuse he is famous but he also started as a teen and he sings really good !! =)i agree with with everyone who admires Justin Bieber!!! Gooo Justin Bieber =P

Vanessa317 said...

Omg i admire Justin Bieber Too ..i love him because he is cute i also love his songs there sweet and nice ....Justin Bieber is a nice ,kool,funny ...And he is FAMOUS Famous Thats good>:]]]

Candy317 said...

I edmire Justin Bieber because he is a great singer. For my he his a nice person. Justin is so cute .What I hate is that they r saing about the life of him and Selena Gomez. Is there life we can't tell theme enithing.

Lizbeth308 said...

My favorite singer is Justin Biber he looks nice and I just love his songs. I LOVE YOU JUSTIN BIBER!@

jonathan305 said...

i admire the black eye peas

jocelyn 319 said...

i edmire selena gomez becuse she makes songs that tell a amazing story

Alex201 said...

Justin Bieber in not better than eminem because he doesnt show enough passion in his my music I say that michel jackson JZ are still better than him.

Noelani 302 said...

im sorry but i do not like selena gomez its just my opinion and i HATE it how people always get worked up about other poeples opinions...but in my heart i think Justin Bieber isnt just a cute faced singer.I think he is a young legend.(and thats my opinion)

jesali305 said...

i think we should listen to the radio at school

mirella318 said...

i love justin bieber as much as every body else <3

norberto 309 said...

lil wayne is like the best RAPPER! in the worled for me

jazleen314 said...

AH justin bieber is awsome i seen him in a concert hahaha but he cut his hair. he looks wierd now