Thursday, March 10, 2011

Will School Ever Be Fun?

Trust me, I know a lot of us don't like school because it can be boring. I was once a student, too. I also know and firmly believe school can be more fun than it is. I believe using more technology in your classrooms would make education more engaging and interesting.

I have tons of ideas, but let me hear from you. What are some things that discourage you about school? What are some things you'd like schools, and even Falconer, do? I know we teachers can learn from you. Be specific!!

(Post suggested by Maria 311)


steven318 said...

I don't know but all I know is that children day is coming and that is going to fun

Dennis318 said...

school can be fun if we had more things to play with and have more subject like art and muic and resas.

Caitlin318 said...

The school will be fun if we do not have to do homework or do class work...

steven318 said...

School could be fun if there was no teachers .

Dennis318 said...

steven318 you are raet beaues scool could be fun if there would be no teachers.

steven318 said...

Caitlin 318 your right we do alot of homework and schoolwork.

steven318 said...

Ms.D wry does school need to be so long.

Dennis318 said...

steven318 you are right school cold be fun if there waere no teahers and we could be the teachers.

Ms. Dabrowski said...

Steven 318, I don't think school is long. We're only in school for 6 1/2 hours. Other schools, even other countries, students go to school for at least 8 hours. Sometimes they don't get home until 6pm. You have to remember, school is only one part of your life. After that, it's the real world. School IS important because the real world isn't so easy. Use school to get where you want in the real world, and you will have a great life. Without it, it WILL be tough living life.

steven318 said...

Ms.D I realize it now some schools and countries are longer then our school because my mom told me that your right .

steven318 said...

I think school is already fun because the funest thing in school is computer's because I like typing .

steven318 said...

Just think we don't need fun in school because soon were grownups and that means that no more school.

michelle318 said...

steven 318 remember are teacher told us that whe have the most shortest school hours in the hole school

Sophia306 said...

I know right, when is it going to be fun? I'm supposely in a smart class, but never got any field trips so far. Man it's pretty boring with no special events.

Caitlin318 said...

School will be fun if kids could do what ever

steven318 said...

School is'et boring , it is just us because we don't have nothing to do in school instead of homework and school work

steven318 said...

Ms. D was school hard because I know school is hard for me because all of the homework and school work.

Angy304 said...

i think school is already fun becuase we have computers and at the end of the year we are going to get the isat.

Antonio room304 said...

school is already fun because of the new i pads2 and childrens day.

angel304 said...

school wiil be fun if we could bring video games

hector 304 said...

Good thing children days is coming up i dont think i can handle more learning

Jared304 said...

School is already fun because all of the new things and 4and5 have smat boards like the computer lab teacher

Noelani 302 said...

i like school!! not just because i see my friends and talk with them.its because i am intresded in learning, and i enjoy school alot! my teacher mr.Arthur is really fun. we just got a smartboard in our classroom and it makes learning more fun!some people call me CRAZY because i LIKE school,but hey it my opinion. Ms.D wats your opinion about school?

Carolina319 said...

I like school. The thing that will make school more fun is that we have more time outside, playing, no home work, and more games for children's day! The prizes of children's day are only candy! Please let the prizes be MORE toys! That would be great! :)

Mariah 323 said...

I really doubt school would ever be fun i mean it couldnt get any worse because we already have uniforms.

Ricardo323 said...

Some schools actually don't give homework why can't we do that.

malak311 said...

well we can have recess please it can get you exersise and it will be fun so like if i wake up at 6:00 it will be worth coming to school :)

Kayla 316 said...


Norberto 309 said...

I don`t like school but some day we will be out so we should do good in school for now.

diana317 said...

i love goin to school its fun to learn.

katherine317 said...

katherine317 i agree whith you Dennis school will be fun if they had more subjects also not only subject but activities.

Rossy317 said...

School can be fun its just that there have 2 be more fun things in the school 2 make it fun like technology and recess and more fun subjects !!!!!

xenia317 said...

school? i love school and i think school is fun!!!!!!!!!! YAY...

Joel305 said...

We should have reces every day.