Wednesday, May 25, 2011

If We Had Recess ...

If we had recess, ... here are some ideas for conversation:
  • If we had recess, would you work harder and stay focused on schoolwork?
  • If we had recess, what would you like to do to take a break from schoolwork?
  • If we had recess, would you look forward to coming to school more?
What are your thoughts? Feel free to add on to this.

(Post suggested by Razan 311)


Leslie319 said...

If we had recess, i would still focus on school, and it would feel better for the kids to have some time to come outside, and not be reading, writting, and learning all day!

malak311 said...

if i had recess i would want to come to school more often and get my mind on work because i get time to have fun and exercise my brain,so recess is going to be better for us kids !!!!!!!!!! Also it will help increase child obesity by doing exercise ( like the FIRST LADY said ) .

michelle318 said...

if we had recess it would be my favorite thindg in the who school!!!!!!!!

Andrea309 said...

i agree with michelle from 318 it will be every body favorite think in the whole school

Allyza 319 said...

Well if we had recess, I would like the school day longer.We need to learn with the same number of hours,but with the extra hours,they'll be reserved for recess. We will be be still learning the same amount of things but with extra time for recess.If we had recess but didn't made the school day longer we wouldn't be covering as much things we needed to each day.We'll be lacking knoledge if we don't add extra hours if we had recess.I do agree with all of you.I still work hard and focuse on school work,I would force myself to come to school more often(even if I'm not feeling well),but it would be the third favorite thing I like in the whole school(after math and computers).