Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Making School Longer ... That Means Extending It

Rumor has it that the newly-elected mayor, Rahm Emanuel, wants to make the school day longer. How do you feel about that? We all thought getting out at 1:45 pm was nice, but it might not stay that way for long. What are you thoughts, positive or negative, about this possibility? I can already hear some of you groaning and complaining ... :0)

Read the article below to get some more details before you leave a comment.

(Post suggested by Darius 302)


Miguel319 said...

No, no, no, no school longer unless we get 2 specials like gym or computers or guidence and recess but if we dont get all that then NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:(

Jellyxa 319 said...

Only one word i want to say.....nooooooo!

Nathaniel319 said...

I won't mind staying for another hour, isn't that the time that almost everyone comes out!

Norberto 309 said...

I'm not cocerned that we have to stay in school for more hour's we know a lot of stuff Already.

Jacky319 said...

Nathaniel what happens if it's not only for an hour?????

Adriana306 said...

Ms. D if we do get an hour more of school lets make it recess. if we dont then no. I dont have nothing against school but to much school can be stressing.

karina 309 said...

Adriana is right only if we have reces

angel 304 said...

we should have two specials a day

miguel304 said...

in mine opinnion i dont want emanuel to increase school hours cuz their is to much school hours al ready. and if they are going to to increase school hours i want them to be for gym,art,library.

miguel304 said...

I dont even like school

cindy305 said...

if they want to make school longer at least we got to get some free time!

Casihmeir 319 said...

I think its good if school was longer so we can learn more!

Andrea309 said...

I agree with Adriana306 we should have recess at least a 45 minutes or 50 minutes every day

Allyza 319 said...

It would be good if we had longer school day.I mean we're even lucky.My cousins school is from 8:00a.m. to 4:30p.m.In the article they say that some schools have it even longer then my cousin's.From 7:30a.m. to 5:00p.m.If the school day is longer we would have more thing to cover and know more!I would like the extra hours to be recess but if we use it for recess then it would be like just learning the same amount of stuff and having it for recess and the extra hours just wasted.It would be even better if we had longer school day because we learn more things and get to cover more things each day.And it would help us improve on what we need improving on and ask the teacher for help more because we're at school longer which gives us more time for help.

And oh yeah.Nathaniel we come out at 1:45p.m. (which is rounded up to 2:00p.m.) and plus one hour is 2:45p.m. (which is rounded to 3:00p.m.), we don't come out at the rounded hour of 3:00p.m..

@Miguel 304
How could we have too much school hours.We only have 5 hours and 45 minuetes of school.Some have more hours of school(I know.I know.I just said that).

Please don't take what I said offenseively.