Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What Are YOU Good At?

I thought this was an interesting and fun idea for everyone to share what one thing they are good at. What makes you proud because you are good at it? All of us have gifts and talents and sometimes we overlook them and only see the negative in each other. Let's do the opposite and share what we are good at ...

Something Ms. D is good at is playing the piano and leading at her church. I LOVE doing it!

(Post suggested by Kenneth 308)Add Image


noelani 302 said...

im good at the franch horn i play in the school band. Next year i will be a 2 year advanced yay!!!! uhm lol yah and if you are a fourth or fifth grader you should think about joining band its fun and it teches you a new skill. GOODBYE MY FELLOW FALCONER GO-ERS lol.

Gilbert 319 said...

I am good at X-Box 360 with Modern Warfare 1 and 2

sergio 319 said...

Im goood at dancing. Mostly Igo to dance classes and Im already an assistant of my teacher.Im also good at the guitar. I sometimes make my own songs.

michelle318 said...

im good at playin the drums and i also plaid in band.also im good at cheerliding and i cheer for the sabbona park saints.GOOOOOOO SAINTSSSS!!!!!

Andrea309 said...

I am go at is art and dancing that it