Wednesday, May 11, 2011

When I Grow Up ...

Here's an interesting thought ... have you ever been asked what you would like to be when you grow up? Well, I'm asking ... what do you picture yourself doing when you grow up? Tell us why or what gave you that inspiration ... Plus, it's good to have that goal in mind as you come to school every day because it's your choices today that direct where you go in the future. Here's mine.

When I was little, I wanted to be a nurse because not only did I like being on my feet, but I also loved helping people, making them feel comfortable. I also knew I'd get paid well, and I liked the idea of going to work in gym shoes, not having to dress up.

So what about you?


citlaly305 said...

when i grow up i would help people that are loosing there houses

cindy305 said...

when i grow up i want to be a nurse or dentist

lisette318 said...

Ive alway wanted to be a painter.So that what i would be.

gisselle317 said...

ween i grow up i want to be a teacher! and teach alot of children

Leslie319 said...

When I grow up, I would like to be a nurse, because I think its a good job with good $money.00 that I might get and I think that will be my future. Or a teacher, because I LIKE kids and I like to teach them stuff, anf I think I have much patience! ;D