Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Which One Is YOUR Favorite?

So when it comes to video games, which gaming system is the best? We have the Nintendo Wii, PlayStation, or the XBox 360? Am I missing a system? If I did, introduce it into the conversation.

(Post suggested by Edwin 318)


Leslie said...

The nintendo "wii" is my favorite, I guess because thats the only one I have + a nintendo DS, I have thoose 2!

guillermo319 said...

i like the psp becase its portable

Carolina319 said...

The one I like the most is the DS. Why? Because A lot of fun games are being made for DS. The best game I have on DS is Pokemon White Version. IS IS SOOO AWESOME! The best starter pokemon is Snivy. But ya, I like the DS better then the other ones...! =D

Gilbert319 said...

My favorite is X-Box 360 because its awesome

casihmeir 319 said...

My favorite is the Kbox more games more fun!

nayeli 316 said...

I like playin alot the video games and with the computers. Awesome!!!!!!

nayeli 316 said...

My favorite one is all because they are fun and with all you can have fun.

Mario 201 said...

I like playsation the best from the first one to last I like the all

Jose 201 said...

My favorite is x box 360 beacuse the graphics are awsome

noelani 302 said...

i like the x-box because there is kinect and i love kinect. I also like the x-bow because you can play halo and black ops on there! lol! sooo yah and YAH IM A GIRL AND I LOVE THE X-BOX! ms.D do u play any video games?

Ms. Dabrowski said...

I tend to not play video games just because I really can't play. I tried playing Halo once and couldn't even get the guy to walk properly. However, I do like the Wii. It's fun and interactive, and I can actually do something on them. When I was younger, I did play the old Nintendo with Mario Brothers a lot.

Andrea309 said...

My favorite is the wii because it has alot of sports games that you can do

Kayla said...

XBOX 360 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gilbert 319 said...

Has anybody played modern warfare 1 or 2

jair319 said...

i like all of them there awsome

sergio319 said...

MY favorite game station is the ps3

Xavian319 said...

When it comes to what's on the image. The Xbox 360 wins all. One, well, because of the PSN being down for a month, it got back up, but the PSN store is still down. Maybe it;s because I've grown on the Xbox, the wii is'nt so bad. Well, some of their games have awkward controls, but there is still a few games that involve the gamecube controller optional. The Xbox is pretty much the best, but I remember the Sega Genesis...ahh, Sonic. I also like the games for the Xbox better than other systems' games, well I grew up with the Halo series, and Sonic series, I still find games more enjoyable than the Halo games, like the Half-Life series, and both of the Portal games, and the Left 4 Dead series. All of the of the games I just mentioned were made by the company VALVe, most of their games were released on the Xbox than the PS3, their only games for the PS3 are Portal 2 and Portal (correct me if I'm wrong). My favorite game for the Xbox is Portal 2.

Gabriel314 said...

I like the xbox 360 mostly because of its wireless controllers. Also becauseit has the greatest games like Halo, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, and Mortal Kombat! Also I have it!

michael319 said...

ps3 is best idk wat guys are talking about .

Miguel319 said...

No one beats the playstation cause you dont have to pay to play online. and almost all the games are for ps3. like killzone beats halo. Seriously.

Gilbert 319 said...

The Ps3 is confusing

Xavian 319 said...

I forgot to mention this, but the Xbox 360 has one of my favorite games...Team Fortress 2. That game is based on teamwork, with the combination of offense classes, defense classes, and support charecters. It does not have a slayer game mode, instead it has a "capture the flag", but it's more like "WE MUST PROTECT THE BREIFCASE!" or just "capture the breifcase". Then there is the "capture control points". But since we are talking about systems, the Xbox 360 is just amazing. Yeah, you are supposed to pay for online, but that's not a big problem. The Xbox games seem like the best, to me. But I think the Xbox 360 has more exclusive releases. Both the map packs for BLOPS (Black Ops) came out for Xbox first. The Xbox has more memorable games, and story lines, than the PS3. Halo has this AMAZING story line. Also Half-Life has amazing gameplay and story line. Also, Dead Rising: Case Zero, and Case West were both for the Xbox 360. The PS3 does have it's games, but still...

evan 304 said...

evan 304
i like the ds because theres alot of games for it so you can chose from alot of games. also i can't wait to get the 3ds because its in 3d.

yamaira318 said...

my favorite will be my dsi because you can go and buy games on the DSi store it is really fun!!!!! yay

jonathan319 said...

I agree with you xavian. Its no big woop just cause you have to pay for online in the xbox. Because if hackers dont have money they cant hack the xbox. Thats one big con about ps3. Its free so anybody can hack it. Like it just got a month ago.

pedro308 said...

Hi mrs. d you shuold trid to play call of duty black oup for ps3 it so cool...........

maribel 308 said...

Well for my opinion the nintendo Wii is the coolest game Why? because people are inventing cool things for the wii

michelle318 said...

My favorit is my phone.its touch screen and its parents spoil me alot and that how i got it.

Gilbert 319 said...

tearaeraBlack ops on ps3 is hard ☺

evan 204 said...

evan 304
i like the 3ds because its in 3d also it has alot of games for it